Peter Parker| Lego Death Star

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"This is really 3,803 pieces?" You asked Peter.

He had asked you a couple of days ago to come over to help him rebuild the lego Death Star he had to rebuy. After the blip, most of his sentimental collectible items were thrown away. This time Ned wasn't available to help so he asked you instead.

"Yep! It's awesome, isn't it?" Peter smiled at you cheerfully.

You nodded and chuckled at his dorkiness. It made your heart flutter. A few months ago you were the new kid. The usual parent got transferred to another city, but blip edition. Most of the positions that had people dusted were filled with new people. So it was only fair that when those people came back, they were transferred to a branch where their position was still open. You weren't a loner on your first day for once. Before you even started going there you, signed up for a bunch of activities like the decathlon team. That's where you met Peter. You could tell he was the shy kid. He didn't talk as much as the others.

"Hey Penis Parker! What do you think of the new girl? Hot isn't she?" Flash Thompson patted Peter on the back.

"Uh I, yeah, yeah?" He said sheepishly.

"Something tells me it's all looks and no brains for you." You retorted.

"Peter, come sit with me. At least I won't rot your brain." You placed a hand on Peter's shoulder and he gave you a small smile.

It earned you "oh's" from everyone in the group. Every day since then, Flash tries to hit on you which earns him a snarky remark from you. You get a sense of joy from it. A few months later here you are, sitting on his bedroom floor building the LEGO Death Star. You also think he's attractive so to be alone with him in his bedroom, you had ideas.

"You seem like you know what you're doing." You wondered how many times he's built it.

There's no way that this could've gotten done so fast even with just the two of you.

"Yeah I do. Ned and I get bored." He chuckled.

"Cute dork." You thought you said in your head.

"Wait, what?" Your turned red with embarrassment and an excuse which you usually have the second someone says something was nonexistent at this moment.

Your mouth opened and closed like a fish. Peter lightly laughed at how flustered you were. Peter suddenly got a boost of confidence and leaned over. It felt as if he was going in slow motion. Your mind raced, thinking he was about to kiss you. Your heart pounded at the thought. His lips connected to your cheek. You smiled and closed your eyes. If anything else happened you'd look like a tomato if you already didn't. He pulled away with a smile and handed you LEGO Darth Vader.

"You can do the honor." He smiled.

"I'm not saying I'm your father." You were back... kind of.

"More like girlfriend." He mumbled. His face started turning as red as yours was so you didn't ask him to say it again.

You placed Darth Vader on top and let out a satisfied sigh. You leaned back on your hands and admired the giant LEGO masterpiece. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you. It's always like that. It's obvious you two have some type of connection and are super comfortable with each other.

"I really, really like you." Peter blurts out but in a low tone.

"I know. You're terrible at keeping secrets and kissing my cheek confirmed it." You scoot closer to him.

"And I really, really like you too... Penis Parker." You hold in a laugh.

"Aye! Not fair!" He lightly shoves you.

"It's totally fair! At least I'm not an ass like Flash is." You defend yourself with a laugh.

He shook his head and shoved you a bit harder with a laugh. This time you started to fall back. Instinctually you grab his arm but instead of catching you, it made him fall as well. Both of you laugh it off. That was until the laughter died down and you two were gazing into each other's eyes. You noticed how your breathing altered and not because his weight was crushing you. No, it was from how loving his gaze was. His eyes screamed how much he cared about you. You had been paying so much attention to his expressions that you didn't realize that he was leaning down. You never thought that you'd be in a romcom situation but here you were.

Finally, your lips connected and you were blown away. Was he lying about how many girls he's kissed? He said two but the skills were unreal. He pulled away and immediately sat up. He went from romantic hunk to embarrassed dork.

"Oh I uh, sorry." He said embarrassed.

You sat up and grabbed his collar. This time you kiss him but with more fervor than his kiss. You slowly found yourselves leaning back onto the floor. He got fully on top of you know.

The kiss turned into making out. A hand made its way to his soft hair. The other found a spot on his chest and slowly down. You could feel his hidden features that you knew was there. Your apartment window was across from his after all. His hands moved slowly down your sides and stopped close to your ass. Suddenly you're lips became cold.

"Why'd you stop?" You asked with curiosity.

"Uh it's, just, that we, haven't gone on, a first date yet." He stuttered. You chuckled.

"This isn't the first date?" You joked. Peter laughed and shook his head.

"I would uh, I mean would you, go out on a date with me?" He asked getting nervous again.

You chuckled and grabbed the back his head pulling him in for another kiss. Slowly you two started making out again. You loved this. The feeling of being this close to someone you cared about. It's been a hot minute since you've had something like this.

"So, is that a yes?" He asked in between kisses.

"Yes, now shut up and keep kissing me." You chuckled.

Peter flipped you two over so you're on top now. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into and the secrets that will unfold. The roller coaster that is Peter Benjamin Parker. You two are about to embark on one hell of a relationship.

Inspired by an amazing friend of mine who made a Homecoming reference.

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