Tom| Ocean Eyes - Part 1 of 3

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Inspired by Billie Eilish's Ocean Eyes

I had been watching her for some time. Not in a creepy way. I admired her from afar. My heart would skip a beat with even just a glance my way. Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes. They're so captivating. So who can blame me? Burning cities and napalm skies. Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes. The moment I stared into her eyes I knew I was doomed in some way. Then it trickled down her nose to her beautiful smile. The way it brightened the whole room when the corners of her mouth curled up. Not to forget her sweet angel laugh. Everything was in slow motion after that. Every move she'd make was graceful and pure.

No fair. She really knows how to make me cry when she gives me those ocean eyes. I'm scared. I've never fallen from quite this high, falling into her ocean eyes. Those ocean eyes. I've been walking through a whole world that has gone blind. They can't see what real love is anymore. It's all about the facebook status or instagram posts. When I saw her, I couldn't even think straight let alone about social media. If anything that was nonexistent in my mind. Cheesy enough, I saw the gates of heaven open up and she popped out. Or at least that's how I want to perceive it as. No one can blame me. She's imperfectly perfect.

Can't stop thinking of her diamond mind. A careful creature, she made friends with time with my friends. It's a perfect situation. It is definitely one that is terrifying for most people. Then it was on to the deeper parts of the relationship. Not just sex but emotionally getting to know each other. Why she is the way she is and why the way I am. Her ex hurt her in many ways. Crushed her like elements of carbon. Only to leave her lonely with a diamond mind. And those ocean eyes once cried tears of pain. Not tears of joy and laughter. But now she is and I join her.

She really knows how to make me cry when she gives me those ocean eyes. I usually put up a front that shows my masculinity but with her I'm usually jelly. She's so amazing that I sometimes cry happy tears. Can you blame me? If you were in love with her ten no doubt you would be too. To think it was all from the first glance. I didn't know how much my life would change. Neither did she. Eve though she looked happy go lucky on the outside, she was dark, cold, and miserable on the inside. She used to have extremely dark thoughts. She always tells me how I was the one who saved her. I try not to think that I did and it was just the crazy world playing matchmaker.

The idea of saving someone his heavy hitting. You don't know if you should feel rewarded or terrified. I felt as if I was having a gun pointed at me. One wrong move and BAM! No more me. But that's when you have to step back and take in the damage that was done before you. Realize that you're the person who will pick up the pieces and make it all better. They won't be  whole again but at least they won't be lying on the ground in pieces. They'll be yours in a nondomestic, violent way. They'll be in your arms, giving you comfort and support back and not even realizing it.

You will be scared. Especially if you've never fallen from quite this high, falling into their ocean eyes. Those ocean eyes. No fair, she really knows how to make me cry when she gives me those ocean eyes. I tell myself no need to be scared even though I've never fallen from quite this high. That her love for me will break my fall just like my love for her broke her fall. Maybe I'm now just realizing that alling isn't as scary as it looks. That we're holding hands a we take the leap of faith. As long as we're by each other's side.

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