Peter Parker| I'm Spider-Man, Part 2 of Lego Death Star

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Cute Nerd: Don't forget our date is at 6. You looked really pretty today btw.

Ever since Peter asked you out, he's left you cute and meaningful texts for when you wake up or for when you're done with homework. Some you can tell were sent when he was having a hard time sleeping due to the timestamp they show. You enjoyed his efforts to remind you about how he felt about you. The fact that he thinks of you day in and day out made it even better. You can't even remember the last time anyone was this affectionate towards you.

You: I never forgot and thanks! You looked pretty great yourself.

You could hear your heart thumping. He always made your heart skip a beat, even from the day you met him. His boyish charm and handsome-for-a-17-year-old looks had you locked in. Peter was also such a sweetheart and a gentleman. How was this kid not a heartbreaker? Or were the girls too busy trying to get with guys like Flash? Probably the second one. He was also different. You were never one to blend in. You were the bright color in the black, gray and white room. Peter was the same as you and you knew that, but he was more shy about it. But when he's with you he is the person he wants to be.

You stand there in the mirror dazed. You did that often when something was bothering you or like now when you're just purely happy. Peter's nerdy, dorkiness was a bonus and not to forget the killer body you know he's hiding. He was clearly built but thanks to assholes in school, had to stick to his label like the rest of them. Labels. You hated them with a passion. Why the hell does one have to act like the label they're given? Why does a nerd have to be considered a loser? A jock, an asshole? A pretty girl is a slut? You're young and fun hearted but mature on many levels. This shit bothers you.
Some days you try to get Peter to pop out his shell but he only peaks his head out and immediately pops back in.

It was slightly frustrating but he made up for it by being his true self around you. Cute outfit? Check! Light makeup? Check! Hair done? Check! Shoes with a tiny bit of a heel because you were much shorter than Peter? CHECK! This look you were pulling off wasn't over the top but still would have Peter's jaw dropping, well, at least you hoped.who knows, maybe it's just meh. You could be wearing sweatpants, preferably his, and he'd look at you like you're a female Thor. That's another thing. His fascination with the Avengers. You loved it when he got caught up in his rambling about them.

You couldn't blame him though. They are amazing. When you were nine you wanted to be Black Widow so bad. Then a few years later Scarlet Witch came around and you wanted to be her instead. You were all for female badasses. Peter agreed. Part of you wanted to tell him a little, well not little at all, secret about yourself but you were too scared to say it. You know something about his more private life but choose to not bring it up because you want to hear it from him. So you will just have to wait.

Cute Nerd: I'm here.

You do an embarrassing squeal that you're happy no one saw you do. you , yourself couldn't believe you just did that. That is so 2012. You run to the front door and yell goodbye to your grandma as you exit your apartment.

"Hey!" You greet him with a kiss.

Ah yes. You two have nonstop been kissing since that day in his bedroom a couple weeks ago. Had free time in school? Snuck off to go make out. Went over to each other's apartments and made out when you knew the coast was clear. Then the sweet moments like now. He grabbed your hand and headed to the elevator. Like always there was awkward music playing that tarnished the comfortable silence between the two of you.

"You look beautiful." He said softly, trying to break the awkward tension building.

You looked up to him with a smile and kissed his cheek. They turned a light shade of red. What you didn't expect for him to do next was to slide his hand down to your ass. You didn't complain though. It turned you on with how bold he was being. It was a change you didn't mind. Finally the elevator dinged when it stopped. No more dreaded elevator music. The walk to the pizza place was a short one which both of you were thankful for. The walk home from school if far enough. No need to do extra. They had decent pizza for a first date. Unfortunately, it's all the two of you could afford since you were only working part time thanks to school. Peter went up to the counter to order while you found a quiet spot near the corner by the window.

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