Tom| Chosen for Pleasure, Part 1 (BDSM Smut)

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~June 3rd 2019~ *6 Months After They Started Dating*

We met on a blind date. It was around the premiere of Infinity War. Harrison had seen the I was feeling down but putting on a show for the public. Why he thought a woman would help me, I have no clue. But shockingly it did. We've kept our relationship low profile due to massive amounts of hate both of us would receive if people knew. At that time I hadn't realize how much of a boy I was.

When we met, she helped me become a man. Helped me understand myself better rather than letting fans dictate that for me. Her entire existence captured me. This is cheesy, but she brought out the Tiger in me. Normal is not a thing with us. All of those fantasies that I thought were boyish and fueled by unrealistic porn videos were now very much real.

Oh, if my parents knew the extent of mine and Rose's relationship, I think my parents would think I joined a sex cult. Every time I need a pick me up while filming, I think of our first night in my bed. I had been so used to ordinary fucking around for my ex and a couple hook ups. But she brought a bag over. I thought it was just clothes for the next day. I was wrong.

That night she brought out the Tiger. Just remembering it gets me hard. She had reversed the roles of Dominant and Submissive, to teach me, let me bring out the beast. The crimson red lingerie lined with black lace detailing and matching nails. The way she tied me to the bed and crawled on top. She's a sub with dominating ways. She showed me everything she wanted me to do to her. But she was nervous. It was understandable for it was her first time wanting to try it, but afterwards she realized she wanted more. Especially how alive it made her feel.

I could see why she loved the idea of those things. I've never felt my heart rate spike so high. The way she kissed. The way she used certain toys to play. The term, she's a lady in the streets but freak in the sheets heavily applied. I've never had a ride like that. The way she rocked her hips and teased. Using things like a blind fold and a whip to cause enough pain that it was pleasurable. I got to meet my Little Red Rose that night.

I thought when she untied me, we were finished. That was until I realized that she hadn't gotten off my dick. Welcome the Tiger. I had flipped us over with such force that she should've gotten hurt, but the response was her giggling and congratulating me on letting the beast out. I tied her up. Tied her mouth and put the blind fold on. I did everything she did to me. Needless to say she wasn't walking properly for a few days.

As time went on, I did my research. Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism, or BDSM, isn't all about mixing pain with pleasure. Not only have I read multiple books on it now and applied what I learned, but I also learned her. I began to realize that there's something romantic to it. The trust we have to put into each other. How she opened up a piece of her heart, mind and body to me. She trusted me to treat her body with care. To treat her with respect. When you trust like that, you end up falling in love.

Then the other night happened. The woman I love admitted something that most would be too scared to admit. It made me love her more. She didn't want to hurt me, though she never could. Well, I watched her, she was anxious as she fiddled with her hands. She tried to speak but can't quite get the words out. I asked her why she's anxious. She looked away but I grabbed her chin, forcing her to look me in the eyes. I watched her with admiration and told her to just say it already and what she said next surprised me.

She admitted to being bisexual and wanting to have a threesome with but is scared of who the third person will be. I grinned and grab her face. I told her I would not mind doing that but the other person would need to be picked by both of us. I refuse to pick someone she's not comfortable with, that makes me uncomfortable. But before we get to that point I want to watch her and that person. I want to sit back and watch my girl get fucked.

Seeing that, watching her scream and moan in pleasure just excites me so much more. But, she is mine and I will set the ground rules before we get there. I watched her nod and smile as she relaxed. She's pleased and relieved that I approve but after this, the world will know she's mine.

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