Tom| Let's Play A Game (Smut)

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"Good morning, handsome." You brush a piece of hair out of Tom's face as he wakes up. He gives a tired smile and gives you a peck on the lips.

"Happy birthday." You giggle. He smiles again and looks at you up and down.

"Definitely a happy birthday with you dressed like that." That cocky smirk creeps onto his face. You roll your eyes at him.

"Well after last night, I was too tired to get fully dressed again and decided your shirt was best." His arm reaches out and pulls you on to of him. You're eyes widened when you feel his member between his thighs.

"Morning wood?" You chuckle slightly.

"Nope. You wearing my shirt and no panties." He bit his lip with a smile.

Damn, he knew exactly what to do to make you give in before even asking for it. You lean down and kiss him softly until he places a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss. Tom's tongue slips into your mouth and you gladly excepted it. Without a warning he flips the two of you. You break the kiss.

"Hey! It's your birthday! Let me do all the work." You whined. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"That's exactly why I should be in charge darling. It's MY birthday." There he goes again.

You couldn't resist him and his deviant ways. That's what makes your sex life unpredictable and amazing. He's always one for exotic ways to get laid. The side of him only you know about. The side that rocks your world. Even when is casual, it's still mind blowing.

"Let's play a game." He smirks. Oh boy... "You play coy and I play the tiger." He nibbled at your collarbone knowing it would drive you wild.

"I don't know what you're talking about Tiger. I'm always like that." You give an innocent smile.

"Good girl. Let's get dressed. Harrison's shitty pancakes await." He hops out of bed and throws on a pair of boxers and jeans.

The look that makes you want to rip them right back off. That isn't fair, that shithead. You get out of bed and throw his favorite panties of yours on and his sweats. His favorite look on you. You walk out trying not to laugh knowing how crazy today will be. It will be agony.

"Mate! My pancakes are delectable." Harrison protested. You grab a fresh one a wave it at Tom before taking a dramatically big bite.

"Mmmm." You made sure to roll your eyes back and give a look of pleasure. Tom tenses and Harrison gives an odd look.

"Ok my pancakes aren't THAT good." He huffs with a chuckle.

You quickly glance over at Tom. His perfect jaw is clenched. Fists balling up. He gulped before coming towards you. Within seconds he's pulling you out of the kitchen.

"What are you doing? Trying to turn Haz on too?" He whisper yelled. Oh how much you wanted to laugh right now.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was just enjoying my pancake." You shrugged.

Tom smiles. He forgot how good you were with playing coy. He quickly goes to your neck and starts sucking. You pretend to be surprised. You saw the wheels turning behind those eyes. His hand grabs your woman hood gently though you really wanted him to be rough. So you decide to tease him. You push him off you lightly and wag a finger in his face.

"Easy Tiger. You'll get kicked out of the game before you even make it in." He smirked and walked away, huffing in astonishment.

You've never done THAT before. Now he really wants to play the game. The whole day you teased him whether it be wiggling you're butt a little bit when bending down or pushing your boobs up more when you crossed your arms. With every tease came out the hungry tiger. A few times he pulled you aside to make out stick his hand down your pants. You were winning the game this time. Usually it's him and his sexual appetite that makes you lose but today it's him begging to do something. You weren't sure if he was purposely doing it or he was that horny so you kept going. It was fun to be honest. You had the upper hand. Making him beg on his knees to please you rather than you please him.

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