Tom| You Keep Turning Me On (Smut)

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Summer 2020, post quarantine. The Holland brothers and best mates Tuwaine and Harrison decided that they need a much needed summer party. All men were undeniably stir crazy and just wanted to let loose. To let down their guard. Tom told Sam to invite some of his university mates to the party, given that Sam admittedly had more friends due to going to school. Tom, Harrison, Tuwaine and Harry have limited friends due to their busy schedules and unspoken trust issues.

Tom was secretly hoping that one of Sam's friends, Y/N that he's seen only in his brother's partying posts, that she'd be invited. Oh the things that woman makes him feel. He was admittedly a little nervous because he hadn't partied like this in a long while and they've never had a party at their place. Yet they've been living there for just about two years now. Tom felt ridiculous as he stood in his mirror. Does he start the party with his shirt on or off? It's a pool party. Do people usually start with their shirts on or off?

"Tom! Hurry up! Guests are arriving!" Sam yelled down the hall to his brother's room.

"Coming!" Starting the party off with a shirt on it is.

Guest after guest arrived. The men were pleased with the turn out. There weren't too many people to where cops would have to be called but just enough to have a decent party. That's when Y/N showed up. Sam rushes over to her and their mate Anne like he has with every guest so far. Like always, with the friends that don't already know the guys, he introduced them. Tom's heart damn near fell out of his chest when he saw Y/N. Her easy going sundress covered what might be the death of him. Even if they don't do anything tonight, there's a doubt in Tom's mind that he would court her.

Sam explained the drink menu the men created. At least 50% of them had something sexual in the name. Some were left for later on that night. Games were planned for then. For now they mingled and enjoyed everyone's company after a 4 1/2 month quarantine. Tom couldn't keep his eyes off Y/N. She was one fine woman. Her online persona could be different from in person but from what he's been seeing and hearing, she isn't any different off line.

"Bro, just go talk to her." Sam nudged Tom.

"That won't make things awkward?" The innocent bit of Tom slipped out.

"I wouldn't be telling you to go talk to her if it did. Now go." Sam gave Tom a slight push.

Of course, in true Tom fashion, he chickened out of his original plan and went with plan B. Shirt off, in pool. Y/N saw and her cheeks immediately turned a bright shade of rose pink.

"Do you and Tom have a secret thing? I've never seen him stare at someone for so long." Their mate Jenny "Lenny" spoke you, noticing the tension.

"Huh? No. We just me today. And it's like the exact opposite for me. He's so attractive I can't stare." Y/N rubbed her arm nervously.

The man undeniably made her think the impure starts of thoughts. Being friends with Sam, of course she sees his posts with Tom. She even follows Tom. Until now, she felt as if she had a creepy crush on her mate's brother. They're all attractive but Tom hit differently.

"You're afraid you're going to catch feelings." Jade, another mate of their's said. She's been dating Lenny in secret.

"Been there, done that." She whispered to herself.

Tom was slightly disappointed Y/N didn't get the hint to jump in right away. She didn't get the hint at all actually. But the hot summer sun was making her feel a tad overwhelmed so she slipped her dress of and hopped in the pool. Tom began hyping himself up as he swam to her. Y/N's heart raced. Was he really about to come over to her?

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