Harrison| Teeth

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Inspired by Teeth from 5SOS. Harrison's POV of the fandom if he pays attention to what is said.

Some days, their words are the only thing I know. Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold. Cut like a knife, cold as ice. Can't look away, they beg me to stay. Sometimes, their words are a stranger in my bed. Don't know if they love me or want me dead.
His fans push me away then beg me to stay. My head is spinning, heart is racing. Which one is it? Do they love me? Do they love me not?

Tom apologizes for their behavior. Reminds me that they don't know me. Truth is, do I know myself?Every little lie gives me butterflies. Something in the way they look through my eyes. What do they see? Only an Instagram picture gives them answers. Ones that aren't true. Falsifying my personality. Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive. Some fight so dirty, but their love's so sweet. The true fans play dirty. Are some over 18? I'd like to meet them. I'd like to thank them.

The fake fans talk so pretty, but their hearts have teeth. I have to be careful with what I do or say. One wrong move and they'll have something new. They'll have ammunition. Put a bullet of hate through my head. They're like a late night devil, putting their hands on me. They never, ever let go of the past. You say one thing on Twitter five years ago that can be seen as racist but isn't, you're now trending for the cancel culture.

Some days, my fans are the best thing in my life. Sometimes when I look at them, I see my "wives", my queens, my little loves. But then some turn into people I don't know. A wolf in sheep's clothes, two faced liars. Why are people like this? Do they really think I'll pay attention to them that much? I don't look at their posts, they get mad at me. I look at their post, they want more. I can't win. I post something they don't like, even if it's a simple selfie, they find a way to say I'm too toxic for Tom.

They say that Zendaya should be his only friend, but I've been best mates with him for ten years. They don't know him like I know him. They don't know me. They don't know anyone. They just know the one persona we give off. What are we supposed to act like? Devils in disguise? Have their fantasy bad boy sides that land us in cuffs? We were raised better than that. Way better. Then they judge our parents for having opinions. They judge our parents if we do something "bad". We can't win.

Blood on my shirt, rose in my hand. Trying to be a better man. Present them with gifts but left at the door. Stomped on until you can't breathe anymore. They're so cruel and unusual. Unfair and unjust. They look at me like they don't know who I am. Like I wasn't just the celebrity they wanted to take to bed, marry and bare my children. Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand as it's still beating. Is this what they need? My every organ? My every ounce of blood? Haven't I given them enough?

Fight so dirty, but their love's so sweet. Talk so pretty, but their hearts have teeth. They are the late night devil, putting their hands on me. And never ever let go. Like a vampire, sinking their teeth in me. Just have to let go.

Not my greatest work but it is definitely something. Hopefully I can get more out. I'm sorry if these are too morbid. I'm just trying a different style of writing. Next one may or may not gross you out. Until then, hang in! Love you all!

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