Harry| Cruise

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"This trip is going to be amazing!" Harry expressed his excitement over the two week adventure on the Norwegian. It is also our first vacation together. We've been together for about 6 months and thought that it was time to go on a trip. We aren't completely along since it's my family's trip. But we do have our own room which is wonderful. No need to share a room with my sister and her boyfriend.

"Ahhh look at that view." Harry said as he pushed the curtain back from our balcony door. I chuckled at his amazement of the New York City scape.

"Babe, it's just New York City. Just wait till tomorrow morning, we'll be seeing beautiful blue waters and possibly St. Kitts or St. Thomas. Way better than the Empire State Building." I chuckled as I hugged him from behind. I'm about a foot shorter than him so I can't see over his shoulder. But I do have enough height to get up on my toes to kiss the top of his toned shoulder. His calmness rubbed off on me and I felt relaxed as I held him.

"Good morning beautiful." The smooth morning voice of Harry woke me up the next more. I immediately had a smile on my face. I turn to see his wonderful face with a small smile on his face. My heart flutters at the sight.

"Good morning." I lean into kiss him which he gladly closes the gap between us. When he pulls away I moan and tell him that I wasn't done. He chuckles and continues to kiss me. He shifts himself on top of me to make things easier. My hands snake their way up his smooth back, feeling his muscles. His hands slide their way down until they find their place on my hips. My hands slide down to his hips and hold on to the waistband of his sweats. Harry pulled away.

"Babe I'd love to do that right now,I definitely would, but we have to go down to the breakfast bar before they change it to lunch." he chuckled, kissed my cheek and got off me. I sigh, feeling at peace and a tad bit hungry.

The entire day went wonderfully. Had a couple cocktails, since I'm of age to drink in the... part of the ocean we're in. Harry is of age as well so had one as well. Chilled out by the pool, hit up the casino, ate at one of the 10 restaurants on board. I watched as his smile brightened throughout the day. It made me smile and my heart jump. He's so perfect. Tonight was one of those parties that the ship throws. So you know we ad to hit that up. It's a black light party so dangerously we will be wearing all white. White and I are not friends.

"Woah!" Harry gasped at the bright, glowing lights. The music was loud and upbeat and the area was heavily scented with perfumes, colognes and alcohol. It's as if we walked into a club.

"Let's go ge drinks." Harry dragged me to the bar and got us to mojitos. The entire night we danced and when a group of guys were staring me down, Harry made them know who my man is. We both had a good buzz going but we weren't drunk. We felt free. We felt our youth. How we can still have this kind of fun when having an insane life of being Hollywood's young Disney couple. But most importantly it was the vibe we gave off as we danced. The pure love between us. How our hearts were beating together as one.

"I'm going to get us another drink." I went over and got us another drink, only for some extremely drunk girl to fall into me and knock them on me. See? Not friends. Harry came over to see if I was ok. He saw the collision and got worried. We headed up to our room and decided to call it a night. I changed and then let him get changed. I made myself comfortable only to remember that I left my phone in the bathroom. I groaned and got up.

"Hey babe, can I come in?" I heard rustling and then the door opened, revealing Harry in just a towel that alone made my heart race. He looked skittish though.

"What's wrong baby?" He hung his head. Oh no. He only hangs his head like that when he's insecure. I pull him into a hug and he kisses the top of my head.

"Tuwaine and Harrison kind of harassed me about my abs and um... my... penis s-size." I look up at him with an "are you kidding me" look.

"I know, I know. It's stupid. But with the spot light constantly on us, I feel like I should be bigger like the guys checking you out tonight." I reach up and kiss his perfect lips.

"Harry, you are so gorgeous that anything you do makes me weak. Your abs are ABS-olutely perfect. Your biceps are cans snake around me any day, your face. Ugh that face! Everything about you is perfect. Your... penis, it's, well you should know my thoughts on that considering the things we've done." The last part made him chuckle. Good.

"Don't let them get you you. You're amazing." I ended with a lip bite. I was thinking back to this morning. Without hesitating I lean up and kiss him. Harry wrapped his arms around me. He know where I was going with this. He moved us back to the bed without breaking the kiss. Only to break it to get comfortable on the bed. We resumed and his hands found their place at m hips again, tugging at his baggy shirt that I was wearing. My hands did the same but at that towel. I didn't know if he had his boxers on underneath or not. He began to kiss down my neck until he got to the collar of the shirt.

He took it off smoothly. A devious smile spread on his face. My heart raced. All the things he does to me, you would think I'm used to it by now. Nope! My heart flutters with everything. Cloth after cloth, we finally made it to the state we want to be in, skin to skin.

"I love you... so much." he whispered and then kissed me. I kissed him back with so much love that he knew that I didn't need to say it out loud. And so we began our intense journey. The passion, the love behind each movement, each noise and breath made. My heart bursted and body burned with love and passion. The heat radiating off our bodies in that beautiful moment. My hands clinging to his dark, damped with sweat locks. His breath on my neck as he focused on me. Making sure that I was feeling amazing. I obviously returned that. It was one of our many beautiful moments.

When it was over, we laid there in each other's arms, soaking in every second as we nod off to sleep, exhausted from our adventure. For the rest fo the two week vacation the love was thrown like a football between us. No fumbling. Also a couple more nights of making the best love. It wasn't until we got home that everything changed. No, there was no cheating or even fighting. But a huge BUMP in the road.

"Babe what's up?" I had called Harry on Facetime while he was on break, butterflies building.

"Harry, I needed you to do this with me." I pulled the blue and white stick in front of the camera. His mood changed from bubbly to serious in split seconds. He knew exactly what's up. I took a deep breath and flipped it.

"So?" He asked shakily. I placed a hand over my mouth as tears began to form. All I could do is nod.

"It is? I'm going to be? Wow!" Harry beamed with excitement. It made me feel a lot better about the 8 letter word that dictates our future. OUR future. This is more than I could ask for. But 9 months from now, I know our carefree moments on vacation will be worth it.

OH MY! PROPER (somewhat) WRITING FORMAT 😱. I hope you enjoyed the classy smut. It was written for a different thing but I thought "Why not make it for this?" So here you go! Thanks for hanging in everyone! Love you!

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