Tom| Tessa's Birthday

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"Y/N!" Tom excitedly shouted. You groaned and threw your head under your pillow. "Why are you yelling? It's too early." Tom chuckled. "It's 9:30." you took your head out from under the pillow. "Oh damn." you've never really been a morning person, especially on your days off. "Guess what day it is?" he excitedly layed next to you. "I don't know. National Tequila Day?" he chuckled at your alcoholic humor. "Close. It's actually National Wine Day and something more important." you gave him an odd look. "What's more important than wine?" it better be good if not you weren't going to be happy about it. "It's Tessa's birthday!" he gave a big ole smile. "Oh yeah! Yeah that's more important than wine." you chuckled and got up.

Tom called Tessa in and like always she came to you first. You found it hilarious but Tom didn't and always pouts about it. "Happy birthday princess." you weren't sure if she understood a word you just said but her response was adorable. She's always so giddy. You call it the "I have no idea what you just said but you're giving me attention so I love you for it" energy. That doesn't mean she's not a bright dog though. She's very smart and sometimes it gets on Tom's nerves when all of a sudden something goes missing from where he originally left it. Most of the time it's hidden under the cushion of her dog bed. The whole day was spent worshipping Tessa, as it should be with any dog that anyone owns.

They're your best friends too so you need to treat them like you would for your best friend's birthday."Tessa! Come here!" you pat your lap. She prances on over to you and hops on the couch, cuddling up to you. A smile spreads across your face. Tessa may be Tom's but damn did she steal your heart for good. You pet her soft fur and watch as she slowly falls asleep. Nothing feels as good as a dog falling asleep on you. It's almost like a security blanket. Through the good and bad. You know she'll always be here for you and Tom when you have major bed head or look dashing for an event. Dogs are a man's and woman's best friend.

Every day you watch the bond between Tom and Tessa and it makes your heart swell. It's a beautiful thing to watch and sometimes even makes you teary eyed. Sometimes you imagine those moments in slow motion. Tessa running around with the biggest smile on her face. Tongue flapping in the wind as she runs. Some would think it's funny to look at but you find it adorable. Sometimes you envy her for how much energy she has. But at the end of the day her happiness is also everyone else's. Today was a fantastic day for her and now she's asleep with probably whatever a dog dreams about. Happy birthday Tessa!

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