Tom| Many Embarrassments

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"Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. If I shall die before I wake, I pray the Lord, my soul to take." The little doll said in a sweet voice.

Y/N couldn't help but smile down at the little boy playing with a hand-me-down Precious Moments plush. It nearly brought a tear to her eye. She keeps a record of the wreckage of her life. The memories that are painful but must be remembered. The little boy, only 7 months old, giggled every time the doll talked. The piercing blue eyes reminded her of the dick ex boyfriend of her sister. But everything else was her sister.

This move to England wasn't because they had to, it was because Y/N could not bare to be back in the states. Too many painful memories. The accident that left her nephew and her orphaned. So she did what she had to. She was not going to let her nephew be put into a horrible system that will leave him lonely for 18 years. Y/N took custody of her nephew and moved to England with the rest of the money she had left.

The plane was about to land and she prayed that he wouldn't start screaming from the pressure change. Unfortunately he did.

"Oh no! Sweetie, no! It's ok. We're almost off the plane." She cooed the baby the best she could.

Tears began to form when she couldn't get him to stop crying. Like always, there are rude passengers who judged her for not knowing what to do. Being a first time aunt is just like being a first time mom. Especially since she's now the care taker. She had no idea what she was doing. She put him in the chest carrier and hoped for the best as she left the plane. Tears still threatening to fall as the overwhelming amount of stress built up and his cries pierced through her like a knife. It was another 20 minutes before they could even get to middle of the airport.

He screamed all through customs and even more so when they took him away from her to do a quick security check. Tears began to fall but every single one of them were quickly wiped away. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe she shouldn't have left. No! She had to. How else was she going to raise him with a healthy mentality? If she had stayed then her old habits would have resurfaced. The drinking and the drugs. She had to go. Y/N could not let her nephew go through that.

They final made it through customs and she could sigh a quick breath of relief. But not for long. Her nephew was still screaming. She didn't know what to do or why he was still crying. She lightly bounced him, hushed him, rubbed his back and just did everything she could to get him to calm down. Her own tears began to form again. How the hell did her sister do this for 6 months? People were watching her fail at comforting a baby and it embarrassed her.

What hurt more is that she could practically read their thoughts just by the looks on their faces. Some were sympathetic and others looked at her like she was the devil. As if they are perfect parents themselves. She wished their luggage would just come sooner. She wanted to get out of there. Y/N doesn't know why but she feels like a screaming baby outside of a building will be less embarrassing. Maybe because his screams wont echo like they do inside?

Finally, her suit case came around and she nearly started weeping. She thanked God for finally giving her at least one of her two bags. But she struggled. It was harder with a baby on her chest and the embarrassment increased as more people watched her struggle but not help. She should how to do this, right? That was until a sweet sounding voice came from right next to her.

"Here, let me get that for you." She watched a pair of fairly tanned muscular arms reach out for the suitcase. He must've just gotten back from vacation.

"Thank you so much. It's so hard..." She trailed off as she wiped more tears away.

"I can only imagine. I'm Tom, you are..." Tom checked the name tag and had a confused look on his face.

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