Tom| Richmond Park

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It's a cold, rainy day in Kingston. The weather imitates my mood. Rent is late, car payment is due, my papers for all my classes are due, and I'm being threatened to be fired if I'm late one more time. Can't help it when you're taking care of your little brother along with your ill mother. The past 6 months have been HELL. I knew right away that when we found out my mom was sick I'd have to fight for custody of my brother. No way in hell is he going with my dead beat drug addict dad. Luckily I'm 21 so I can take custody. It sucked that I had to take it from my mom though she's said many times that it's perfectly fine and she would much rather have it that way. She knew she wouldn't be able to take care of my brother so it put her mind at ease knowing that I did.

Richmond Park was a great place to let your mind slip but not so great when you nearly get hit by a ball. But my annoyance was quickly replaced by a small bit of joy when the cutest dog came running towards me. I guess I caught it's attention because it didn't even stop for the ball. It stopped for me. "Well hello there gorgeous. What's your name?" I say to the happy dog who keeps trying to lick my face. I check the name tag, Tessa. So it's girl. "Well hello there Tessa." she is the sweetest and judging by her looks she's a Staffy. I never understood why people hated them or any breed of pit bull for that matter. It's completely the breed. Yes at time they can be aggressive but that can be changed by the owner and some training. If the owner doesn't do anything about it then that's on them. Also can't rule out the bad owners too.

Tessa's owner came over and I felt stupid for not making the connection. Blue Staffy named Tessa, in Richmond Park... Y/n you dumbass! "Hey sorry about that. I promise I wasn't aiming at you." Tom said. I quickly inhaled before speak. "Oh no it's fine. She's a sweetheart." Keep your cool. "Well that's great. Wouldn't want to be considered a bad owner." he chuckled. Tom's hair was dampened by the light rain and stuck to his forehead. It took everything in me not to get lost in his beauty. "Oh I'm Tom by the way." he stuck his hand out for my to shake. I gladly shook it. "Y/n." I replied. "Pretty name." he smiled. My heart skipped a beat. "Thanks." I blushed. I've never really been one for taking compliments so a thanks is all anyone will get out of me.

We continue small talk about dogs and I impressed him with my knowledge about them. I mean I should since I am going to school to become a veterinarian. I even gave him some tips which he greatly appreciated. "Where are you from Y/n?" asked changing the subject. "Here in Kingston actually." a big smile popped onto his face. "Oh same here." now a smile was on my face. "What?" he chuckled. "I know that you are." Just then i had the balls to do something that if I had just met him at a convention I probably wouldn't have had the guts to do. I lifted my sweatshirt sleeve and showed him my tattoo. The beautiful black ink in cursive read "With great power come great responsibility."

His eyes widened. He knows fans have either gotten tattoos of him or his character but he seems to have never seen one like this. "That's beautiful. Love the quote." he winked. My heart nearly stopped when he winked. Blush came back and this time I'm sure it what redder. "So do you have plans tonight?" he asked out of the blue. "I uh no, not that I know of." I stuttered. After a few seconds my mind changed. My brother. "Actually I do." My good mood was quickly dampened when I snapped back to reality. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head. "It's just I, uh, I have custody of my little brother. I can't go out tonight. I'm sorry." the one chance with a hot guy and life smacks him away.

"Where do you live?" he asked. I was a bit taken back by his question. "I'll come to you. But if your brother is a Batman fan I'm sorry but this won't work out and I'll send my mate Harrison instead." I laughed at his silly excuse. "Ok. By the way he's not a Batman fan or even a Spider-Man fan. He's an Ant-Man fan." he was shocked by my answer and I know exactly why. We're so used to seeing mostly little Iron Man's or Captain America's running around. Now mini Black Panther's too. It's a change from the "norm". "Well hopefully Spider-Man and Ant-Man will become friends one day." he chuckled. I gave Tom my address and he showed up at the time he said he would. My brother was in awe and showed him is Marvel collection that thanks to me was growing. Who knew that he would become emotional support 3 months later when my mother finally let go.

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