Tom| Easier Part 1

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Inspired by 5 Seconds of Summer's song Easier. 

You know those extremely hard days at work? One where, you know, it just doesn't go your way. Today was one of those days for Y/N. First her alarm didn't go off. Yeah, this is where the story starts. Cliché, we know. But shit just happens, you know? Then, probably the worst pain you could have when you're running late for work is stubbing your toe on the way out the door. Skip the ride to work because that was mediocre. When she got to work literally no one was there and the restaurant was about to open for the day. She doesn't have a key because she's not the manager but somehow she showed up before the manager. Way to go Linda.

Of course, Linda shows up 25 minutes late so the place is 25 minutes late getting opened. Y/N reminds herself to talk to the owner to get a key for herself because she seems to be the only employee that actually cares about her job. Well that is because she gets paid and she needs the money, so that is the only reason why she cares about her job. If she had the chance, she would not be there. You gotta do what you gotta do. Oh, of course the very first customer is an angry, cranky customer who needs their coffee. They are a frequent customer and they always come in cranky. Too many people are afraid to ask.

Y/N was of course, stuck with said cranky customer because no one wanted to get him. Just her luck, boiling hot coffee pours down her shirt. You would think she would have a change of clothes with her, but no she doesn't. She was too busy trying to get to work on time to grab a change of clothes. The delay due to the coffee spilling on her made the customer even more mad... great. Because of this the manager was called and you know the deal. One cranky customer equals one cranky manager who doesn't really give a shit about their job anyway, so she doesn't understand why they're in such a bad mood.Next was burning her hand on a piping hot plate because it just come out of the dishwasher and no one warned her.

"Ow! Fucking shit!" She lightly hissed because she didn't want any customers or other employees hearing her curse about her pain. Unfortunately the manager heard her.

"Y/N! Watch your language! You know better!" The manager walked away with a scoff.

Y/N so wanted to tell Linda to go fuck herself because the plate was extremely hot and she's just not having a good day. Throughout the day you always get more than one cranky customer and of course she gets stuck with them. Just her fucking luck. Due to opening late she has to work later than expected. She has plans with her friends which now has to be delayed. On her lunch break she went outside and made a call to one of her friends telling her the situation.

"Oh come on, Y/N! We've been planning this night for a couple months now and every single time you flake and now it's just delayed! That's not fair." The guilt trip.

"Look, it's not my fault that Linda showed up late. I promise I'll be there. I'm just going to be late. I need tonight especially since tomorrow is my only day off this month. " Y/N sighed in frustration. Could this day get any worse?

For another hour or so after the phone call and her lunch break, it was slow and boring. One, maybe two customers came in. New faces, but probably never going to see them again. She could've taken a nap. But no sleeping on the job. Y/N can't stop thinking about tonight. Flashing lights, dancing, booze, fun music, the whole shebang. She's been working nonstop for the past two months. Like any shit 9-5 job, she wasn't getting paid enough for all the work she puts in. She clearly doesn't get enough vacation time or days off either. So she was definitely going to take a vantage of tonight no matter how late she showed up. She stood there at the counter daydreaming away about how the night go down and how amazing it's going to be. That was until Karen, the bitchiest employee of them all, got her attention.

"Hey dreamer! Wake up! We've got a customer." Y/N's heart mediately dropped.

It was the one person she's been dreading for three months going on four. The one person she wanted to stay away from pretty much for the rest of her life. That charming smile, those kind eyes, luscious hair, he's an absolute dream boat who crushed her heart. Her stomach turned and butterflies filled her. Could today get any worse? She really needed to stop asking herself that question. Of course today could get worse. It just did. The one who broke her heart showed up with his usual people. He had Harry, one of his younger twin brothers. He had Sam, the other twin brother. His it best mate, Harrison and his other best made Tuwaine. This dreamy man, was none other than Tom fucking Holland.

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