Tom| Peter Pan Part 2

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From there, Jane learned Peter's ways. He began to reteach her how to shoot a bow, slice with a knife to make it fatal but not ruin the blade, and tie knots that will never budge. Their attraction to each other was like a dance. She knew a way into his cold heart and he knew how to make her heart cold. He doesn't want her to see him in his element but she refuses to let him hide it. Hook occasionally lets some of his mates onto the island. Wrong move. He thinks it will weaken Pan. But he couldn't be more wrong. Pan is stronger than ever. He may be in a young man's body but he is a child at heart. The Lost Boys see it too and it has made them more accepting of Jane's presence. She too may be in a young woman's body but her heart is child like.

Peter has never felt fear like this before. He felt fear of Wendy leaving but that was easily fixed once she did. It just proved to him that he should not trust someone like her. It made him realize that Jane may have her mother's eyes and beauty, but she is not her mother. A fire burned inside him as he would watch the girl move with such grace. The knife was merely a prop for her. Hook, again let another one of his mates loose on the island. Rather than battling on the beach, Pan captured him. He had Jane battle him in the jungle. Only the 3 of them. The other boys knew about his ways but he did not want them to witness bloodshed that was not to defend themselves.

Peter swallowed his spit and kept from having an erection as he watched the two battle it out. Her body moved smoothly while the mate's body was like a dying octopus, though he was actually dying. The wounds were deep and he lost so much blood with only a minute of fighting. The way Jane's body moved was only out of muscle memory. Not of things that Pan taught her but from her years of ballet. She used what she knew would have been fatal and it worked. In moments like this, she remembered doing the moves in the studio. The tight, uncomfortable leotard that gave her wedgies from her ass to her woman hood. How she was never allowed to fix it because it was too "unlady like".

She hated how proper ballet was but loved moving her body. She loved being able to express herself with just a simply reach of her arm. She did not miss the hot lights that shined on her during shows. Wendy would always get one her if she noticed one thing wrong when she was performing. Jane never felt good enough when it came to ballet because of her mother. School was a different story. She made her parents so proud. She just couldn't understand why Wendy couldn't be proud of her for ballet. It's not as if Jane was going to become a professional. Jane had other dreams.

She wanted to become a writer. That was if she never made it back to Neverland. She wanted to write about her many adventures of Neverland tweak things so that if they were ever to become published, those who have also gone and left Neverland don't try to find her. But now she doesn't have to worry about such a thing. For she is home. This is her home. He is her one true love. Peter sees her darkness and Jane sees his light. Yin and Yang. In the normal world, they would be the it couple sent by the devil. Wreaking havoc on anyone and anything. They would be the Prince and Princess of Clowns. She was his queen, and anyone who dared to disrespect her must expect to be thinned out.

Jane was the Harley Quinn to Peter's Joker. A chaotic and unstoppable pair. Exactly what her dreams were. Every battle won was celebrated like in Jane's dreams. They'd eat a delicious meal and then head to the hut where the Lost Boys now called their noises the Calls of Victory. Only Tinkerbell knew exactly what those noises were. The pair did not say the words. Those words that sealed what they were feeling. Both were afraid to say it. They knew that if they did, Neverland's magic would be broken. When Peter first found Neverland, he found a book. He recognized the symbol on the front as dark magic. But when he opened it, there were no spells.

It was a journal kept by someone who once lived on the lonely island. It spoke of the magic and the spells that the owner of the journal put on the island. It strictly said that if you fall in love on the island, to never say the words 'I love you' for it means that you have grown up. It with break the youth spell and those who live on the island will grow rapidly. Peter has already grown up enough from Storybrooke. He does not want to grow up more. Neither does Jane. she wants to grow to see the day she should be a raggedy old woman in her 70's but she's still in an 18 year old's body. She does not want to think about being an adult.

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