Harrison| The Christmas Cinderella

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Y/N looked at the list left on her front door with an audible sigh. Another day, another list. Clean this, clean that. You could practically eat off the floor it was that clean. But her crazy step mother and step siblings thought otherwise. Y/N was exhausted from a full day's worth of classes and work. All she wanted to do was nap. What made her want to gag was the letter left behind.

Dear Y/N,

Richard, Molly and I will be out for the evening at The Brothers Trust Holiday Masquerade Charity Ball. We expect all the things on this list to be done by the time we get back. Remember, not a single scratch. Good luck!

Priscilla, Richard and Molly.

A charity ball? Yes, the family is rich. But since when did they give a damn about those in need? And how the hell did they get an invite to that? Y/N wondered if Molly had slept with one of the older brothers. Preferably Tom for Molly, but if she had to, she'd get in bed with Sam or Harry, not really caring that Sam has a girlfriend. If the attempt was on Sam, Y/N just hoped that he was smart enough to jump ship before it sank.

It's days like this where she wished her dad was still alive and her mom wasn't in prison for reversing the laundering that had been going on in the company. It confused the hell out of her as to why her mother was in prison for reversing the effects of criminal activities rather than the criminals themselves. As for her dad, that was a car accident. She never talks about her parents, but days like these she wishes their arms could hold her and tell her that the three of them will split the list and dance like they used to.

It made a frustrating task fun. But now she's doing it all on her own. She just hoped that Richard's underwear didn't reek of college freshman frat parties. Don't ask. Just her luck, her friend Abby calls.

"Hey girl! Oh dear. That face doesn't look good on you." Was Abby's immediate reaction.

"Ha! Thanks. The step monster and her little gremlins left me yet another list. I wonder if I did half the list, the things I didn't have yesterday, they would notice if I actually half-assed it." This caused both girls to laugh.

"Look, you and I both know you finished your finals early and I just handed in mine today. I'll come over and help out. Besides, you have a hot date tonight." Then it hit.

"Shit! It's been hectic with Christmas, work, WORK, and school that I completely forgot Harrison invited to... shit..." a moment of pause before Abby spoke up.

"Girl! Just say it!" Abby waited excitedly.

"Step monster and gremlins will be there and now I understand why Harrison said that he'd see me there tonight. I'm supposed to be there but thanks to them, I can't. And I don't even have dress." Y/N squinted and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Be ready in 10." Abby hung up the phone. Y/N stood outside her house in confusion until Abby showed up.

"Get in loser! We're going shopping!" Y/N shook her head at the Mean Girls reference.

Here's the dynamic of their friendship. Y/N is all about Captain America and fighting in what she believes in... when it doesn't involve herself. Abby is a damsel in emotional distress, waiting for her Prince Naveen. If she can't have Naveen, she'll settle for Aladdin. Y/N just followed orders. The entire car ride there, she had to remind Abby about the amount of time they had and that this was not prom. Everything had to be perfect in the first try.

Abby squealed when they arrived at the dress shop. As much as Y/N cared for Harrison, she dreaded having to wear something so princess like. She chose how she feels for the man over her feelings towards glam. Dress after dress after dress, they couldn't find anything that didn't have to be altered and wasn't over budget. Time was now running out and Y/N was ready to call it quits and call for a rain check. That was until the cashier finally got involved. The cashier could feel Y/N's distress. She knew it was her time to get involved.

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