Harry| Happily Ever After, Part 4 of Photograph

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"Harry!" you yell. You could barely breathe. It felt like you were working every muscle in your body. It was his devilish idea to do this to you. You were already late getting with the group but you somehow fell into his little spell. "Harry! Stop please!" you tried to get out in your fit of giggles. He's been tickling you for the past 10 minutes and you were sure that you had abs by now. "Not until you say that I'm the sexiest Holland alive and you take back what you said about Tom!" Harry continued. You only said that Tom was the best Spider-Man and had the looks to play the part too. "NEVER!" you yell back. Wrong move.

Harry leaned down and started kissing your neck. Your laughter quickly stopped and you tried really hard not to moan. He was not going to get the satisfaction of being dominant. But damn did those kisses and light sucking feel good. "FINE! You're the sexiest Holland and I take back what I said about Tom." not like you were calling him attractive. "Thanks babe!" he leaned down and kissed you. "We're late by the way." you groaned. "And?" you gave Harry a look. "You know what they're going to say." he chuckled and shook his head. "No they're not." was he being serious? "I was yelling your name. I'm sure they got ideas of what wasn't happening." Harry then turned to you with a mischievous smile. "I mean we could later..." you raised your eyebrow at him. "Keep it up and we won't." your turn to give that same smile.  

He knows all too well that you don't follow through. You haven't followed through since the day he came back to you and you two made sweet love. Of course you two have had a normal relationship and not just sex. Although the sex was great every time it happened. When you got to the group they all stayed quiet and looked at the two of you with a smile. "I told you they'd think we were fucking!" you smacked Harry's arm. He chuckled and pretended it hurt. They all started laughing. "Well were you?" H/n said. "No! He was tickling the shit out of me!" you pouted. Everyone gives the look of "ok sure. Whatever you say." you gave Harry a serious look that he just chuckled off.

The ride there was amazing and you felt like you were in a music video. The entire time Harry was watching you. He regrets not getting you sooner but he still felt like the luckiest man alive now. Even with the fact that you agreed to go back to New York with him in July. You're mom has never been to the states so she agreed to come too. Harry couldn't ask for anymore because there wasn't more to ask for. This is all he could ever dream of and he was so grateful to have it. You finally made it to the beach and helped set up. "Andy you're an ass!" you scolded when he pulled a cruel joke on H/n. he knew Sam would be staring him down as he went and grabbed H/n's ass.

Harry helped set up the fire as you helped set up chairs and blankets. Like very night, tonight was going to be perfect. Your time in New York is very isolated since you're working from 7 a.m. to whenever they let you go. You still felt that way for the first couple weeks of being home. It was hard trying to adjust to home life again. All that time working you had stopped talking to all your friends. Unfortunately you barely had any time to go out while you were there also. It was pretty mundane. But everything changed with Harry's phone call. You were pretty happy that he had called. Now you're life was unpredictable. A mystery at it's finest. It was how life should be for a now 20 year old. Harry also made your birthday just as memorable as the past ones he's been involved in. Just this time was a little more exciting.

You couldn't have asked for a better man. As the sun set the fire rose. Hearts mimicked the fire. Beer and any type of alcohol you guys had was passed around. Of course Georgia brought s'mores because what's a bonfire without them? You let the cooling sand wrap around your feet. It was soft and made you feel relaxed. Harry wrapped his arm around you and kissed your temple. You looked up at him and his adorable smile. "I love you." he said softly. "I love you too." you ended with a soft, long kiss. You could kiss him forever. Harry let go of you and pulled out his famous Canon camera. He started taking amazing shots of you and the group. "Creating a new collection." he said mostly to himself.

"New collection?" you chuckled and smiled. You new about his collections of photos. He is a photographer after all. But another one. "Yeah. I think I'm going to call it... Happily Ever After." he smiled, putting the camera away. You couldn't help but smile too. Harry's was just so infectious. It makes you love him more. You have and always will love everything about him. He was imperfect but that to you is perfect. It's complicated to explain but as long as you knew what it meant it didn't matter if others thought it was confusing. H/n had taken Sam aside. You knew what that was about and you weren't sure how it was going to end.

The group started cheering when they started making out. Andy yelled "GO SAMMY!" and they all laughed. Harry looked at you and wiggled his eyebrows. You giggled and shook your head. You leaned up and kissed him. Sam had come back and without a word he took a towel with a smile. He met back up with H/n. Just as he was about to put his arm around her he yelled to Andy. Andy turned and gave his attention to Sam. Sam smacked her ass and squeezed with a jiggle. "Mine!" he made sure to get the hint across. Suddenly you felt Harry's hand on your ass. He looked over at you with a mischievous smile again. He leaned over and whispered in you ear, "mine." You bit your lip. Yep, definitely not going through with your word tonight.

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