Tom| Let's Have A Baby

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Nikki and Dom had date night and the twins were unavailable. So they sent Paddy to come hang out with you, Tom and wasn't super late but definitely the calming down hours of the night. It was Tom's idea to cuddle in his room while Harrison did who knows what around the flat. Going in order it was Paddy, Tessa, you then Tom. Tom likes to keep the AC on full blast so the 3 of you pulled the covers up. You we all laughing or playing with Tessa. Paddy even asked the  questions that usually have people stuttering like when are you two going to get married? Or when are you two having kids? The two of you had talked about those things but never really thought about the timeline of it. So you gave him the best answer you could.

It was with the talk about kids that Tom changed. Before he had his amazing arm around your waist. Now his hand traveled from your hip to your bum then lightly grazing over your woman hood under the black. Paddy had noticed the split second change of expression on your face when his hand grazed over you. He didn't push for answers. Tom noticed Paddy's expression change and decided to go back to holding your waist but making sure to press his tent against you. You continued to talk about anything with Paddy and try to ignore your boyfriend's member that needs pleasing. Tom on the other hand wasn't going to be ignored.

He started getting "cutesy". Tickling your side which made Paddy laugh rather than feel grossed out. That's what Tom took it up a notch and started kissing your neck. You tried lightly elbowing Tom to get him to stop but that only made him tickle you more when you fought back. Tom started planting kisses all over you and that's what started making Paddy feel grossed out. "You guys are gross. Keep the PDA to yourself!" He hopped off the bed laughing. You were busy with your fit of giggles thanks to being tickled, to to say anything else. "If you don't enjoy real love little brother then go play Fortnite!" Tom dramatically held his chest and dramatically acted hurt by his little brother. "You're freaking weird. Now I'm not leaving because of the PDA, I'm leaving because you're weird." He left the room.

You laughed even more by the shocked looked on Tom's face. "He's moody. Must be hitting puberty." He turned his attention back to you. Tom didn't hesitate to kiss you. He never does. He slowly moved his body on top of yours. "You made me wait." Tom groaned between kisses. "I made you wait because your brother was in here." You said. Tom pushed himself up and took his shirt off. You watched as every muscle on him moved. You loved watching him move. Every muscle that his toned body had made you squeeze your thighs together. He was just so gorgeous. You lifted yourself up and took your shirt off in the process. You two went back to making out. You're hands roam each other's bodies. His skin against your soft finger tips felt like electricity. You two had always had a fire between you two. It burned like an inferno.

Tom's lips connected to your neck while his hands slowly made their way to your hips, then the waistband of your pants. He pulled them off you and threw them aside. Tom got up and took his pants off along with his boxers. His member now hung their. You didn't hesitate to move to the edge of the bed to meet him. You gladly started to slowly pump his pulsating member. Light groans left his mouth. You two have to stay quiet. Finally you put his tip in your mouth, licking and sucking at a agonizingly slowly pace. Payback for kicking Paddy out to get laid. "Darling." He lowly groaned.

You slid your mouth down his shaft more. The warmth made him fidget. "Darling please." He grabbed your hair. You obeyed. You started moving up and down his member and he groaned again. You always loved giving your man head. It gave you a sense of power, that and riding him. This went on until Tom stopped you. He pushed you back on the bed and got on his knees. He slowly pulled your panties down to reveal his goal. Tom licked his lips as he always does, hungry for you. He wasted no time in devouring you. You had to grab a pillow from screaming. He knows all the right moves. That tongue could throw you into over drive. It got even harder for you to hold back when he added two fingers to the mix. He always did this. He stood up but kept his fingers in you.

He started off slow, curling his fingers. You knew what was to come. Was he really going to take that risk? Oh yes he was. He moved his entire arm up and down at a rapid speed. You balled the fabric of the pillow in your hands and tried extremely hard not even to moan. Your body was trying to thrash around as he kept going. Tom held you down though. He knew you were close, very close. He could tell by how white your knuckles were. So he stopped before your juices could come out. Tom rubbed his wet fingers on his member. "Darling?" He asked. You propped yourself up on your elbows. "Yes babe?" His hungry expression turned serious.

"Maybe Paddy had an idea and I want to know if you're ok with that." He leaned forward and started kissing you again. "What's that?" You ask between kisses. "We should start trying." You paused. He looked at you with hopefully eyes. You thought long and hard while his hard on was about to rub your thigh from the angle he was at. "Yes." You say. "Yes as in we can start trying and I can just go in you with no condom?" He double checked. "Well how else is a baby made genius?" You chuckled. He smiled and didn't hesitate to kiss you again and take your boob prison off. You two got comfortable on the bed before getting to it. Tom gently spread your legs and lowered himself. His tip just centimeters from your core.

Tom looked deep into your eyes. "I love you." He said softly. "I love you to-" you were cut off by him kissing you and sliding in. You lightly moaned as you felt him fill you. He trusted slowly. Tom always did this. He knows that he isn't small and that no matter how many times he's fucked your brains out, you still need to adjust. "Ok." You whisper. He nods and picks up the pace. You bite your lip to keep from moaning. You two definitely don't want Paddy hearing. "Faster." You whispered. Tom obeyed. His hands went to your hips as he started driving his glorious meat into you. Your hands went to his hair. Those amazing locks. Both of your hands roamed each other's bodies as you two pleased each other.

Tom's lips connected to your neck again and started to lightly bite and suck the skin. You knew you'll have a hickey but didn't care. Tom's hands intertwined with yours and went above your head. He continued at a fast pace with his hips. You're head fell back as he started to go harder rather than faster. "Shhhh!" He shushed you as moans started to become more frequent. You couldn't help it. He was a god in bed. He was hitting, sucking, anything on all the right spots. Tom knew you better than you knew you. He thrusts started to become sloppy though. Tom was close. Something that was common.

You always need the extra boost thanks to science. You even had to look up one day why you weren't orgasming during sex. Something about your clit being too far away from your center. So Tom solved that problem and continued to do the same every time. His thumb connected to you and started rubbing. It took everything in you not to moan and him not to groan. "Baby I-" he cut himself off with a light groan. He's moments away. "Do it." You whisper as you feel yourself there. "Baby." He whispered. Your nails dig into his back as you reach your high and his hips smack yours one last time, reaching his. Tom's head buried into your neck as you two caught your breath.

Tom rolled off you and laid there. "That was amazing, as always." He chuckled. You giggle and pull the blanket over you. It was perfect timing as Tessa busted through the door and jumped on the bed. "Tessa-uhhh oh. Uh I yaaa um. Coming Harrison!" Paddy ran into the room and became flustered. He noticed the lack of clothes and the mess in the room. Paddy used Harrison as an excuse though he wasn't even home. You two laughed at his little moment before cuddling for a little bit longer and maybe even kissing more.

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