Harrison| Fetish

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"Y/n! Get your ass up! You're going to be late if you don't!" your assistant/roommate yelled. You groaned from your unwanted alarm. Today like every other week is another photoshoot. Calvin Klein to be exact. You paid no attention to the names that were presented to you at the meeting so all you knew was that it was two actors who you guess were well known. You had been going nonstop for the past few months and as much as you loved your job, you wanted a vacation. Luckily the location of the shoot might make it feel like that. Beautiful, hot Malibu Beach. "Y/n!" your assistant yelled again. "I'm coming!" you yelled as you jogged down the stairs of the beach house.

"You're lucky that the shoot is right outside the house." she joked. You rolled your eyes as you grabbed you breakfast shake you made the night before. You slip on a pair of flip flops and head on down to the beach, bed head and all. Your assistant followed behind trying not to laugh at how ridiculous you looked. This is why she's also your roommate. You two have been best friends for years, before the rise to fame as a model. She refused to let you run around half naked without her badass fighting skills standing by. So you made her your assistant. "Miss Y/l/n, welcome to set. Looks like your ready for the day." the stylist smiled and sounded all cheerful. You envied that. You've never been a morning person.

"Here is your selection of suits to wear." Suits? You thought. It was undergarments but you weren't going to argue. You changed and got your beauty done. Everything was going well until your men of the cover showed up. If you didn't compose yourself within the seconds that you did, drool would be dripping from your mouth. No it wasn't because of Tom Holland. It was because of his friend there. His smooth looking blonde hair and piercing blue eyes made your mind run wild. His face was pretty too. You wondered what else he- "Y/n. stop staring." Your assistant whispered to you. Ok maybe you weren't keeping it together. You couldn't help it though. He was unbelievably attractive. "Ello I'm Tom and this is Harrison." Tom patted Harrison's back. For some reason you felt like you breath was caught in your throat.

"Y/n lay on the ground and act innocent yet sexy," the photographer said. With every shot you tried to look as sexy as you possibly could. You felt Harrison's eyes on you as they waited to jump in to the shoot. The blue in his eyes darkened a tiny bit but not enough to be noticeable. "Men! Join the lady." the photographer motioned for them to join. Your heart skipped a beat as Harrison's robe came off. Of course your mind imagined what he looked like without those Klein's on. But you had to quickly snap out of it and be professional... not. You two were totally feeling each other up throughout the entire shoot and no one noticed because you were supposed to look that way. You were just hoping his bulge wasn't a sock to purposely look bigger.

"You know, I have a fetish." you jumped at the sudden voice behind you as you tied up your robe. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." he apologized but sounded amused. "Great job today." you cleared your throat and tried to ignore the ache in you panties. What didn't help was the last picture you two took. You were told to take your bra off and hold him. You did as you were told but it made the growing sexual tension between you grow. Skin to skin contact mentally took both of you over the edge. You crossed your arms over your chest to hide the fact that your nipples were now hard. "You know robes... robes make me think things I shouldn't, especially," he softly pulled down the shoulder of your robe. "Someone I just met." his tone was filled with lust.

"You know that's not necessarily a bad thing right?" you asked in the same tone as him. A smile formed on his face and your breath hitched. He sensed and leaned in. "Robes are my fetish but that skin to skin contact back there was much better." he started kissing your neck and then up until he was centimeters from your lips. His lingered over yours. It was making your want stronger. "Fuck it!" you told yourself. You grabbed his face and kissed him. He is an amazing kissing and you were happy you decided to get an IUD because you doubted he had a condom on him and you surely didn't. You also didn't care if someone walked in. he was too damn sexy for his own good.

Harrison guided you two to the random couch nearby. You landed with a thud on the couch and he knelt before taking his off. He was still wearing his underwear which you felt a bit bummed about. You went to take yours off but he stopped you. "Let me." he whispered. You removed your hand from your robe and let him do the work. The same shoulder as before he pushed down and kissed it. The air was stupidly hot but you got chills. Harrison left a trail of kisses across your collar bones to you other shoulder. They were sweet and soft. You felt as if you were going to melt from his touch. His free hand slid slowly up your robe as the other pulled down the other shoulder and repeating his actions on that side.

Kissing his way back he stopped half way. Then movie down towards your breasts. The one free hand had been rubbing up and down your thigh till now. Harrison untied the belt of your robe making it loose. He grabbed each side and opened it. You were now fully exposed to him. What he saw out there was only a sneak peak. You had your arms over your chest until you could touch him and not be seen by anyone. Now everything... well now everything was out. "Underwear off?" you asked. "Underwear off." he replied. You two quickly stood and got rid of the last bit of clothing on you. The moment you to finally saw each other you both had the same expression on your face.

You saw his size and had to pick your jaw up off the floor. He was much bigger than your ex. Harrison had to pick his jaw up too but for a different reason. He knew you were beautiful but didn't realize how beautiful until everything was off. He's glad that he has a fetish with robes. "If I were you, I'd do me too." you giggled jokingly. Harrison nodded but he was dead serious. His once piercing blue eyes that went a shade darker seemed gray with lust now. "Protection?" he asked as he stepped in front of you. "IUD.' you answered. "Good enough." he lifted you and sat you on the desk set up for make up. Luckily everything was cleared off of it before you came back. His lips attacked yours with such fire behind it your felt your lips melting into his.

Your gasped suddenly when felt your walls expanding for him. You're buried your head into his shoulder as he thrusted into you, the pleasure was overwhelmingly good. "He's like a god." you thought you said in your head but turns out you said it out loud. "Thanks darling." he chuckled and ended with a small moan. You two were trying to be as quiet as possible so no one else heard you. You two didn't care if they knew that you too were in the same room together hanging out but that didn't need to hear your cries for him to fuck you harder. "Faster!" you whispered. You could feel yourself getting close. You started clawing at his back which surely would be seen later but you didn't care. "Harrison!" you said lowly. He gave a low grunt signaling the same thing as him. You were so... "Harrison!" you said a bit louder as you threw your head back.

You were there. You let yourself unravel on him. This was surely the best sex you've ever had. You were nearly seeing stars. It also didn't help that you haven't had sex in almost a year. A couple more thrusts and he let himself go, spilling into you. Both of you stayed in your positions for a moment to catch your breath. Harrison started chuckling. "What?" you giggled. "Where are you from?" he asked looking up at you. Yet again those eyes caught your breath for a second. "England, why?" you remove yourself from him and the desk to put your robe back on. "Great! Maybe we could out sometime." he smiled knowing damn well that the date would end the same way this photoshoot did.

Aye! First smut of the book! Hope you enjoyed! Inspired by Selena Gomez's Fetish.

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