Sam| The Last of The Real Ones

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There he was, playing a baby grand in this abandoned bar. He knew that I would be there to listen to him play when he came every other night. I didn't know why he came around but I can only assume to let loose without the booz. Considering that I was just an only child I probably would understand to some extent why he needed a get away. Even in this dark, apocalyptic world we live in now, parents can be suffocating. Especially when there's psycho murderers on the loose. I've learned that if you dress like one, no one will approach you. So that's exactly what I did.

Then I found him one night. He was doing the same thing that he was doing right now. Just playing away and making beautiful sounds on the old piano that may be out of tune. I come here every night just in case something changes but it's always every other night. If only he knew that I'm here every night then maybe he'd come around more often. But there's the little monster on my shoulder, shyness. I hype myself up all the time , telling myself tonight is the night I'll speak to him but I never go through with it. It's not like he's an intimidating person. If anything he's the opposite of that, that I know of.

I could be completely wrong and he could be a crazy murderer that's trying to lure me in with music. I wouldn't put it past him. That he's an undercover FBI agent that just looks really young and is here to take me in. Not that I've done anything seriously illegal. Only stolen a couple of candy bars bit that's it. I snap out of my stupid day dream of nonsense when I realized that he was staring at me as he played. I felt a bit awkward and shifted in my seat. Why was he staring at me? Then he stopped playing and waved for me to come over. I hesitated but then slowly walked over.

My heart was racing at this point. Could this be the end of me? Come on Y/n, don't be so dumb. He was playing piano for god sakes and has been here many times before with you watching him. He would've killed you already if that was the case.

"Ello!" his deep voice echoed. I was a bit taken back. It was a smooth deep and very gentle.

"Uh, hi." I said shyly.

It was silent for a minute. A little too silent. I crossed an arm over my chest and rubbed my shoulder nervously. Y/n what are you doing? He's not going to hurt you and you've been with a guy before. You've also been with girl before too so you shouldn't be having any issues. Then again that was before the government lost their shit and said alright let's have the purge.

"I know you sit out there waiting for me to play. I just want you to know that it's ok for you to come in here and watch. I'd much rather have you in here then out there. Two is safer than one." he smiled at me.

I gave a smile and a nod. He scooted over and patted the area next him for me to sit. I sat slowly unsure of what he was doing.

"Sam." he put his hand out for me to shake.

"Y/n." I took it. For a second it was silent as we looked into each other's eyes and held each other's hands. I snapped out of it and quickly let go of his hand.

"Do you know how to play?" he asked.

"Unfortunately not but I love to listen. I know some of the songs you play but not all." now I feel embarrassed.

"Don't feel embarrassed. It's not easy. It takes years to learn." he smiled.

"Considering the state of America now, I don't think I have years to learn. So I'll stick to listening. It's what I'm best at." Better Y/n, better.

"You're different, I can tell. Rogues I call them. The ones who are completely against the way the world is working and just living day by day, not knowing if they'll see tomorrow. England is in the same state as America. Actually the whole world is that way. Once America said fuck it so do every place else. It's dangerous. But people like you can change that you know." he explained. He's a passionate one for sure.

"By what, taking over the nonexistent government?" I chuckled. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No. By creating a new one that won't drain everyone of their lives." He then pressed a single key in front of me.

"Easier said than done there Sam." I too pressed a key near it.

"Ironic, you pressed the next key in the song." I gave a surprised look. That was not on purpose.

"You're the last of a dying breed Y/n. Don't let it die out." he pressed another key but then took my hand and placed it near the next key.

"Stick around and it definitely won't die out." I bit my lip and pressed the key.

"But what's inside you is what will keep it alive. Not just reproducing. But that helps too." he chuckled. He started leaning in. I started to do the same.

He smiled one more time. "You're just the last of the real ones." he said in a hushed tone before pulling away.

"Such a tease." I chuckled. He placed his hands near the keys he needed and took a deep breath.

"You drain all the fear from me. But because of that I keep having dreams, good ones. I'm done with having dreams though. It's time to make them a reality." He said softly before he started the next song.

It was familiar and I know it was an upbeat song about a revolution and falling in love. But when played like this, it was smooth and relaxing. As the song went on, his words played in my head as if they were the lyrics. He was right, we are the last of the real ones.

Inspired by Fall Out Boy's The Last of The Real Ones.

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