Tom| Godsend - Part 3 of 3

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WARNING: SMUT! Part 3 of 3 of Ocean Eyes.

We make out like two kids who are letting their hormones get the best of them. Well it's kind of that situation. But at the same time it's not. We truly do care about each other and are on the same page as each other. Our hands gently roam each other's bodies. I feel his work of art body under my fingertips as I put my hands under his shirt. My heart races faster. I obviously have never seen what is underneath. Only his face and biceps. Even then I was a puddle. Now I'm about to see EVERYTHING! I rock my hip gently on his to create some type of friction down there. "Do you have protection?" My voice cracks as he starts to leave kisses down my neck.

"My wallet." he says against my neck. Just by feeling underneath me, his wallet had to be in his jacket pocket that he abandoned in the back seat or an ass pocket. "Back pocket." he leads a trail of kisses down to my chest. I reach behind and my hands start to shake. Wow, wow. I finally got his wallet out and handed it to him. Before he gets the condom out he take his shirt off. I hesitated but mimicked his actions. When I looked back, we both had the same look on our faces. It's as if heart eye emojis came to life. Tom wasted no time attacking my chest with kisses. I moan at the eas sensation his mouth caused.

His hands traveled to my back pockets and mine traveled down his torso. I definitely want this. I lightly push him away. He doesn't fight me. If anything he admires me as I begin to feel shy about what he's witnessing. I slowly release the hooks of my bra and let it side off my shoulders. I hear him swallow his spit as he grows more underneath me. I move off him to remove my pants and panties. Tom watches my every move until he gets the hint to remove his clothes. My breath catches in my throat when I see him. Part of me just went weak at the thought of him filling me. Another part of my got slightly scared because he surely isn't small. My ex was big but he definitely will not compare to Tom.

I watch as he unpackaged the condom and rolls it on. It's as if everything is in slow motion for me. Everything I'm scared of washes away. Before I could even move, he makes his way on top of me. I position myself the best I cold. It is tight quarters after all. Tom drags his tip down my folds to get to his destination. Once he's there, he looks into my eyes. I have no idea why but I couldn't stand him looking into my eyes. So I kiss him. He doesn't need to see all the cracks in me yet. He just need now. I need now. My hand snakes its way into his auburn, soft hair. My eyes shoot open then roll back as he goes in. He groans in relief once he's in.

He slowly but surely starts to move. Naturally both my arms go around his neck. "Tom." I say softly as he picks up the pace. He lets out soft groans of pleasure. My breathing picks up. I haven't felt this good during sex in a long while. My hands now grip his back as if to hold on for dear life. Not only does my ex's size not compare to Tom's but my, oh my. The ways he moves is a godsend. The car was filled with our oansand praises for each other. Tom's hands roamed and gripped my body beautifully as we passionately kissed. It felt as if my boy was on fire. It might as well be on fire with the way things were going. I don't think i've ever felt this passion before.

He gripped my hips and went even faster. My back arched with pleasure as his pace picked up. I could tell by his actions that he was almost there. I wanted it happen at the same time. So I slid my hand down and began to rub. Only to have my hand smacked away by him. "No." he grunts and he begins to rub me. The way he does it makes me look like an amature. "Tom!" I yell. I couldn't control anything I was doing. He's just so amazing. Soon my thoughts were crowded by the sensation that was building. "Y/n..." he couldn't speak anymore as he groans, letting his load fill the tip of the condom. Just that helped throw me overboard. I moaned his name as I came down from my high.

We held each other as we caught out breath. But then he started chuckling. "This probably obvious. But do you want to go out again sometime?" We both laugh at his silly attempt of asking me out. "So you're considering this the first date?" I asked. "Only if you will." I kiss Tom deeply. "Of course I'll go out with you again." His smile gets bigger. "Perfect." Yep, rolling the ball don that hill again. Hopefully this time I won't end up alone in a park.

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