Harry| Mine, Part 3 of Photograph

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"Bedroom?" You ask Harry as you two continue to makeout.

"Bedroom." Somehow the two of you manage to make it up the stairs without breaking anything.

You were in disbelief that the guy you fell for even had equal feelings for you let alone walked his ass here just to show you he cared. Not even your ex, which Harry hated, did that for you. Now you can see why Harry hated him. Joe is nothing compared to Harry and Tyler never even became your boyfriend after prom. Just a hookup that never called you after that night. Harry pushed you against the wall and went for you neck. Your eyes rolled back from the feeling. You tilted your head slightly and that's when you realized you were at your bedroom door.

Grabbing the door knob, you grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled him into your room. He stopped for a minute and took it all in. It's still the same room as it was before she left. Like nothing had changed. Multiple band posters like Fall Out Boy, 5 Seconds of Summer and R5 who's now The Driver Era. Then the geeky things that no one knew about you like Avengers nick nacks and posters. The multiple Spider-Man merch hanging around in odd spots. It made Harry smile knowing that he new this side better than anyone else. You were like this before his brother became Spider-Man.

"Yeah, I know. My room is still childish." You say, a bit embarrased.

"No, it's not. Your room expresses you and I've always loved that." Harry reassures you.

"Don't you think it's just a little bit weird that I practically have your brother plastered all over my room?" You chuckle.

"No. My brother is Tom Holland, not Peter Parker. Marvel just needed a face for the name. I'm not bothered by it and I never was. Never will be." He walks over to you and picks up where you two left off.

This time he removed your shirt in the process. Him seeing your chest like this was like looking at you in a bikini, nothing he hasn't seen before but it still gets him up. Your hands travel up his shirt and his body tenses a bit in surprise. Without him paying much attention, you lift his shirt over him, breaking your session.

"What are we doing still standing here?" You joke.

He chuckles and hops on your bed like a goof. You laugh at his silly antics and remove your tight ass jeans. It was a slight struggle getting them on and off from how tight they were. Harry watch still getting turned on. By accident they caught your panties and nearly pulled them down. You yelped and quickly pulled them up out of habit.

"No." Harry said.

"We both know where this is going so why not just take them off now?" He had a point.

You two were about to have sex anyway so might as well. You let your jeans take your panties with them and there you stood in just you bra. Now that's a sight Harry hasn't seen yet and he doesn't look disgusted so that's good thing right? Before you got on your bed he quickly got off and took his pants off. Your breath caught in your throat and you didn't know why. You've seen Harry in his underwear before thanks to a camping trip where you had to see everyone changing. You both get on the bed and continue to go further. His hands roamed your body and it made you feel safe. His touch set your skin on fire and you never realized till now how much you needed it, needed him.

"Harry!" You moaned as he left a small trail of hickeys down your shoulder to you boob.

He slipped his hand behind you and you lifted a bit. Harry removed your bra and nearly collapsed at the sight your tits. They're more than he ever could have imagined. You grabbed onto the waistband of his boxers and pulled down. You braced yourself. He looked huge with his boxers on but clothes can also be deceiving. Your eyes widened when you saw it. Harry started chuckling.

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