Sam| Nervous

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Inspired by Shawn Mendes's song Nervous

I saw her on a Sunday in a café and all she did was look my way. My heart started to race and my hands started to shake. I heard she asked about me through a friend. My adrenaline kicked in because I've been asking about her too. Now we're here in this room. I get a little bit nervous around Y/n. Get a little bit stressed out when I think about her. Get a little excited when I think about her. Talk a little too much around her. Get a little self-conscious when think about Y/n.

She's just so perfect. To think she doesn't see it. Too many have burned her. I want to be the one to heal her. We walked in the rain a couple blocks to Y/n's apartment. She told me to come inside. She caught me staring in her eyes. I'm not usually like this I like what she's doing to me. Even by the 5th date usually I'm still not invited in. This our third date. My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty. I can't tell if I'm nervous or excited. Maybe both? Even the twisting of the door knob made my heart leap. She's got me acting like I've never done this before. I promise myself to be ready when I walk through the door. And I don't know why I get a little bit nervous.

Her apartment is a decent size. It's definitely big for one person living here. But it's cozy. I like it. She undoes herself and leaps onto the couch with an adorable sigh. I chuckle. Could she be more perfect? Oh wait, she can! I take my things off and something just compelled me. I jokingly leap on top of her with an exaggerated growl. Y/n laughed "Sam!" My heart fluttered. Even her laugh is perfect. That nervous feeling came back. This time she noticed. "Don't be nervous." Y/n said. I titled my head to the side confused. A devilish smile peaked on her face.

Without warning she flipped us, my back hitting the couch with a thud. "Because there's nothing to be nervous about. I get a little bit stressed out when I think about her. But now I know I shouldn't be. I get a little excited when I think about her. That I know I should be. Talk a little too much around her but she doesn't seem to mind. At least she knows why and thinks it adorable. I get a little self-conscious when I'm around her. But now I know I shouldn't. She doesn't care. Y/n just wants me. What more can I ask for? Nothing. She's perfect. End of discussion.

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