Tom| Crown, Part 2 of Monster

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Inspired by Billie Eilish's song You Should See Me In A Crown.

Bite my tongue, bide my time. Wearing a warning sign. Wait till the world is mine. Visions I vandalize. Cold in my kingdom size. Fell for these ocean eyes. You should see me in a crown. I'm gonna run this nothing town. Watch me make them bow one by one. Their silence will be my favorite sound. Count my cards, watch them fall. Blood on a marble wall. I will make them pay for what they did. I am now the Vampire King now, after all. Y/n was an innocent soul taken too soon. She did nothing wrong and they must pay. Now that I'm King, I have the power to do so.

Lately I've been having vivid dreams. My family, screaming. I like the way they all scream. They echoed. I saw fire. I saw a book that was being thrown into the fire. It was weird. I saw a name in the book. I thought I saw mine as it went up in flames. The cover was something I had seen before. I believe it's in our library. So I'll make my way down there and see if I can find it. I hope it's there. If it's not, I feel like all hope is lost. Hopefully it is. It'll be able to tell me the message of my dreams. Why I'm having them. There's got to be a reason and why they're so vivid.

I forgot how huge this place is. There's got to be well over 1,000 books. Some look like they date back to 2500 BC. Those ones are on a shelf with a glass cover. Most likely never to be touched again. Other ones are more modern, like they've only been around for a few years. I run my fingertips over the leatherback books. Taking in the musty scent of the basement that the library is located. I continued to run my fingers over them until one felt ice cold. But there wasn't any ice around it or any steam coming from it. I quickly check other books to see if they're like this. That was the only book. That must be the one.

I pull it out and sure enough it is. It kept its cold temperature as I slowly flipped through it. There's passages of spells, history, even name logs. I kept going until it decided to flip on its own to a page that made my heart drop.

"Thomas S. Holland, 1 June, 1996....... pg 306." My heart raced as the book flipped to my page.

I have a page. I read it as I listened to my heart thump loudly. It officially shattered as I read in fine print "Son of Alpha Dominic Holland and Omega Nikki Frost Holland. Grandparents paternal, former Alpha And Omega. Grandparents maternal, grandmother vampire. Grandfather mortal/unknown." I couldn't read further. I'm... I'm part mortal. I'm now just being shown this by a magical book. As I processed the information, the book continued to flip, landing on a page called Half Breeds. There were 7 names including mine. I wasn't the first half breed in the family. The pages flipped again. Mortal Policies.

"If there are any contacts with mortals, they must be for feasting or for affair. If one impregnated with half breed by mortal, mortal must be feasted immediately to eliminate possible outside exposure. If one impregnates a mortal, mortal is feasted on after the birth of the half breed to eliminate outside exposure. If policies are not met then the vampire, half breed, and mortal are eliminated immediately." I felt colder than usual.

It explains so much. The book flips again. Death Punishment. I felt like I couldn't read anymore. But I knew I had to.

"If chaos arises in the family or clan, the Alpha/Omega should burn everything and everyone at the stake and start a new. Find the fairest of mortals and turn them with a venomous bite. If it is from the Mortal Policies then burn everyone at the stake to eliminate escape. If instructions are not followed properly then plan will fail and chaos will ensue. MUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. Good luck." My dreams, that's what was happening. The pages flipped one more time. It read "Current living Holland, Thomas S. Eliminated other Holland's due to chaos that broke out. With help from half breed Sydney (cousin). Not mortal half breed. Witch half breed."

I closed the book. I was sweating but felt colder than ice. That was until a giggle from behind caught my attention.

"Hey cus." Sydney said.

"H-how? Was? What?" I couldn't even form proper questions.

"Breathe cousin. I already did the hard work while you were reading. Also I was the one flipping the pages and made the book cold. Our family has been hiding dirty secrets for years and betraying us. Causing chaos to those we care about. We must follow the rules of the book." She said with a smile. I contemplated it for a moment. Although I loved my family, the fact that they betrayed me and my cousin is unforgivable and must be punished.

"I'm in." She gave a wicked smile to my response. We both head upstairs only to be greeted by my mother.

"Tom dear, are you two headed up to study?" She said in a cheerful voice that used to be comforting. Now it's full of lies.

"Tell me which one is worse, living or dying first. Sleeping inside a hearse. I don't dream that you say come over baby. I'm okay but I'm not your baby." I gave her a snotty tone. She looked confused until she saw my cousin's devilish smile. Her expression turned cold and cruel. Sydney pushed me up to my room.

"Are you ready?" She said. As she closed the door. I nodded. All she did was snap her fingers.

"Look outside." I did and everyone was tied to a stake in a perfectly placed circle.

"Would you like me to snap and create fire or would you like to do it personally?" I thought about it.

"Personally." Literally within a snap of her fingers we were in the middle of the circle.

"Oh family dearest. You shouldn't have lied and betrayed us. Caused chaos. This is now what you get for such a thing." She said gleefully. I couldn't have said it better myself. She handed me a box of matches.

"You do the honors King cousin." I ignored the pleas for mercy. Lighting one by one. My mother and father begged.

"My sweet boy. You know I didn't do this on purpose. You read the book. Please. I'll never let this happen again. You know I've always kept my promises." My mother looked over at my father with tear filled eyes. That ping of guilt sprung up. Damn it.

"Cousin, what are you thinking? It's your choice ultimately." I looked down.

Eventually dropping the matches and untying my mum, father and youngest brother. Her words were true. I fear that they bullied them into keeping everything a secret. I wouldn't be surprised.

"My boy. I'm proud of you." Tears fell from her face as she hugged me. I knew she'd never actually betray me.

The others did. Sydney snapped us onto the balcony. We watched with wicked smiles. My other brothers held me back during the endeavor of Y/n's death. Therefore they joined the rest of the family. You should see me in a crown. I'm gonna run this nothing town. Watch me make them bow one by one. You should see me in a crown. Their silence is my favorite sound. Watch me make them bow one by one.

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