Sam| Forbidden Love

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No one can underestimate the power of love. Sometimes it's real, but in other cases it's just in someone's head. The love can be mutual. Then, there's the forbidden love that many people can have. I had a "special" friend who just had a wild imagination that eventually led to something tragic. She was about 18, fresh out of high school like me, and we were sharing a dorm together. I'd never met her until the day we moved in together. As I got to know her, she was probably the best person to ever walk into my life. She would tell me stories of her life back in her hometown and would give me useless information that I later related to one of the lectures in class.

She was madly in love with someone I knew she couldn't have. It wasn't even physically possible to have him, but she was determined that he would someday be hers. I would tell her every day to just get over him. He wasn't worth the stress that he was causing. I'm not sure why he was causing her this much stress. Some days I believed she had gone completely mad. But everyday her response would be, "No, I will absolutely not stop loving him. He means so much to me. He's helped me through hard times when I felt like I had no one else. Though I usually do." I just wished she would stop.

She would constantly give me a description of what he looked like. Tall, auburn brunette, chocolate brown eyes, and a British accent that would make any girl fall for him. The guy's name was Sam Holland and I guess his brother was an A list actor working for Marvel. I googled him and even looked at his social media. He seemed legit but barely had anything posted. Most posts were months apart. Apparently they met when mutual friends invited them on vacation together. I guess they hit it off. She would tell me that he "wasn't that type of guy who posts often." She isn't that type of girl but she still posts more often than not.

One day, it seemed like there was an automatic change. She stopped smiling, stopped laughing, even stopped giving useless information from that big brain of hers. I even asked her if it was from my constant pleads for her to just stop. Her response was just no. I asked this constantly and got the same response until eventually she stopped responding all together. She was getting thinner from eating less or not eating at all. She started to worry me. One day, she didn't come back to the dorm after class. I called her phone. It wasn't until I spotted her phone on the nightstand that I realized she didn't have it. I started to wonder if that's why she wasn't home yet. Maybe he had flown in to visit her.

But why had she been so upset? Did something in her family happen? All these questions ran through my mind. After WAY too much thinking about her and where she was, I finally had the bright idea to check her laptop to see what she's been hiding. Now you're probably thinking that I was invading privacy but, in case of emergencies she gave me her login info so I could get in. I checked everything and found nothing but the assignments she had worked on or was working on. Until I found a folder labeled "My Love Is Forbidden." I opened it. It was 100 pages of "journal entries." It went day by day.

I found out the real reason why their love was forbidden, they had never actually met. He was just a celebrity crush that her affections had just gone too far for. Sam was basically a guy who she fell in love with in her dreams. He kept recurring in them. Every entry got deeper and deeper into details. I felt like I was reading Romeo and Juliet with a mix of The Fault In Our Stars. It was so detailed I wondered why she didn't take the Creative Writing/Journalism class. There were some details I didn't want to know, but to find out what had been going on, I had to keep reading. I finally made it to yesterday's entry. I had noticed that she was on last night's entry.

As I read it, it mentioned that he was no longer appearing in her dreams. Sam had been mentioning leaving and that he couldn't take her with him because it'd be too dangerous. He said he had to go and that they'd meet again someday. Sam also told her to go to the lake that was 10 minutes away from here tomorrow (as in today). I didn't finish reading. I quickly threw on a sweatshirt and some beat up Converse and made my way out the door. I didn't care that I was in Hello Kitty pajama pants and a Star Wars: Return of The Jedi sweatshirt. I needed this get to her before she possibly did something stupid. God only knew what was running through that girl's mind at that moment.

As I reached the lake, I saw a crowd. I ran as fast as I could to them. It wasn't what I thought it was. It was just someone's ashes being dumped in the lake. Then I remembered there is another lake a minute away. I went there. When I got there, there's another crowd. I looked around. There were police cars, police tape and police officers telling them to back away. As the crowd was backing away, I ran up.

"Ma'am, you can't be here right now. This is a private investigation." He said to me.

"Of who may I ask?" I was terrified to hear the answer but I know I needed to.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but I can't tell you that information." I looked to my right. I saw an open body bag with a body in it. As the officer was still telling me that I couldn't be there, I sprinted towards it. He followed to stop me, but he didn't have to. I stopped in my tracks. Horrified, I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry or scream. I just collapsed to my knees. I could tell that it was suicide and not a homicide. She did that out of fake love. She took her life for something that wasn't real. I could've helped, but she shut me out.

I lay on on the cold, dewy grass and just cried. I guess the officers knew that there was no use in moving me. I looked up at the cloudy skies that threatened to downpour at any moment. My mind carried me away. Eventually, I realized that they just left me there and left with her. I slowly made my way back to the dorm looking like a wreck. People asked what happened, but I just stayed silent. When I got to my dorm, I fell onto my soft sheets and covered myself with a blanket. Slowly, but surely, I fell asleep.

I knew I was dreaming at this point. I was at the spot where she murmured herself. I was sitting there looking out and sniffing the air that smelled like fresh cut grass. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a male figure I couldn't identify with the sun blocking the view. He bent down to my level.

"Hi I'm Sam." My heart immediately dropped and chills ran down my spine. Not the good kind either.

Thank you all for reading this. I know it talked about a couple sensitive subjects. I wrote this back in high school and thought it would be a good idea to rewrite it and share it with you all. If you're ever struggling please talk to someone. Suicide is not the answer. You're worth so much more than you believe. Here is a hotline if you're struggling to talk to someone you know: 1-800-273-8255. The lifeline is available 24/7.

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