Tom| Good Morning

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It had been four months since Y/N's life change. Roughly three months since the change was permanent and roughly a month since her heart made some changes too. Y/N had always been the shy, quiet girl. Never popular no matter what setting she was at. Mostly someone who needs to be talked to first before saying anything. It's all because of her messed up past. So rather than making a fool of herself, she keeps to herself. All of that changed four months ago. Y/N's acting career was mildly successful. She had minor roles on TV shows like Grey's Anatomy and Blue Blood. A cystic fibrosis patient on Meredith Grey and a young teen convicted of killing an acquaintance when she was innocent to begin with. The wrap sheet also consists of a Netflix romcom with Thomas Doherty and a spin-off show on the Disney streaming app, Descendants: Ever After.

She was mainly known for Disney and Netflix. But now she was going to be mostly known for Marvel. A role that no one should ever turn down, but about 45 women did. Disney made a deal with Marvel and Sony. What the deal was exactly, she has no clue. But she's the new MJ and is feeling the pressure. People were overjoyed when it was announced that MJ Watson was coming to the MCU. But many were upset because this meant that Zendaya was no longer apart of it. Little did they know that Zendaya chose not to renew her contract. So this left room for more creativity when it comes down to accurate story lines. But casting Y/N came with more backlash than that. Y/N wasn't Hadid Sisters thin like the character is originally depicted in the comics. She's what one would call a BBW, big beautiful woman. That is if you're not a prick who fat shames.

They also didn't enjoy that she wasn't a natural redhead and she had to dye her hair. Why that was an issue? No one knows. Marvel wanted a unique actress like Y/N to portray such an iconic character. Someone who could change the standards, change the game. Getting the role rocked her world a built her confidence. Pretending to be as confident as the character open a whole new side of her she didn't know existed. She's never been to energetic and happy. Everyone on set noticed as well. Especially her hunk of a co-star who played her "Tiger". There were rumors before filming that she was difficult to work with because of being quiet. It wasn't that she was trying to be difficult. It was just what was mentioned before. So Tom made an effort to figure out why. Turns out he didn't have to try all that hard.

She naturally began opening up to him once he approached her. Once he cracked the code, he shared it with everyone on set. It put the rumors to rest. It even got public apologies from former co-stars who ran their mouths to the media, bashing her "attitude". Now that Tom knew her, he couldn't help but keep his eyes on her. What society looks for in a man like him is to be with a woman who has the thin, glowing looks like Zendaya or any famous model/actress out there. But that is further from who Tom really is. He latches onto the personality first. Then the mind. Then the looks. Looks were always last. It wasn't that important to him. It was like reading a new script. You go page by page, soaking in all of the information. He did that with Y/N. Now he desires her. Wants her. It was the same for Y/N. Onset they'll lightly flirt. He didn't want to make it too obvious. He also didn't want to seem desperate in the eyes of the crew. But in Y/N's hair and makeup trailer was a different story. They could see the twinkle in her eyes whenever Tom's name was mentioned.

The same could be said for Tom. Her name was mentioned and the top of his ears would turn bright red. It took everything in him not to think the naughty thoughts he dreamt about the night before, that is if he had a dream like that. Y/N would do anything to hide her blush by she failed miserably because her whole head would turn a bright pink color. They were smitten for each other and it was obvious... no matter how hard they tried to cover their tracks. It didn't help when they had small parties in Tom's backyard that consisted of just the cast members. Every time alcohol was involved. They would all get a good buzz but knew not to get drunk because who knew if they were going to get called in at 3 a.m. to do a missing scene. But with a buzz comes actions.

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