Harrison| Young Blood

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Harrison remembered the words she told him, "love me 'til the day I die?" Surrender his everything because she made him believe she was his. She used to call him baby, now she's calling Harrison by his name. He has no idea what went wrong but he wishes he could go back and fix it, that is if it's fixable. Takes one to know one. She beat him at his own damn game. Harrison used to be just like her. He's pushing and pushing and she's pulling away. He's trying to find new ways to aid something that may need to be left alone. Harrison is giving and she took but she don't give back. He's getting close to giving up. Now he feels like his exes. He feels bad for the things he's done in the past now that it's being given to him.

Say she wants him out of her life. She does it through text. It's become and every other day thing. One day she's screaming at him on the phone and the next she's begging for him back. Harrison has grown exhausted of her ways. He knows he was a bit of a player back then but he's not sure if he was this bad. Actually he knows he wasn't. When he broke up with his ex, he didn't beg for her back. They stayed broken up. But tonight was the last straw. He couldn't emotionally take her back tonight. It wasn't worth it anymore. He truly did love her but she didn't reciprocate the feelings. He's just a dead man walking tonight. No feelings other than pain. But "she needs it" like all of the time. She needs all of his love. But not tonight because he won't be at her doorstep.

Guess it's the young blood. We screw everything up, even love. She said "she wants him back in her life" through text. He's not buying it. Lately their conversations end like it's the last goodbye. One of them gets too drunk and calls about a hundred times. Usually it's her because she drank the "heartache he caused" away. So who has she been calling baby? He thought nobody could take his place. He's seen the texts with unknown numbers that supposedly she knew them. Now when she's looking at those strangers, he hopes to god she sees his face and remember all the good times that she'll never get back. Men can feel pain too and now he's just a dead man crawling tonight. It's probably not just the young blood. The divorce rate is pretty high lately and all of his mates are getting out of relationships.

Now he's running away, running away from her. No more lies. No more cheating. He stops in front of a pub. He sees his reflection. Should he try again or should he wait a while. He's conflicted but the one thing he does know is that he wants a beer. Harrison whips out his phone. There's dozens of texts from her, begging for him back. He ignores her and texts his best mate Tom and asks him to come for a beer. He texts back saying on his way. Harrison watches everyone inside. He can't remember the last time he drank here but it's time to change that. Then something, no, someone caught his eye. You, sitting there enjoying a beer with your friends. "Screw waiting." he said and walked in. Time for new beginnings. 

Sorry for the short part. I've been crazy busy the past few days. Inspired by 5SOS Young Blood.

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