Harrison| Money In The Grave (Smut)

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I mean, where the fuck should I really even start? I've got girls that I'm keeping in the dark. I got my lads  across the street living large. Netflix and Marvel pay real good. Rented out the club for the night. The euphoria of blowing off some steam sits thick in the air. Drank is breaking the speakers as ladies and gentlemen of the night prepare for a wondrous time. I brought my two phones, one need a charge. One is business/privacy from fame, and the other is pleasure for when it's needed most. Like tonight.

I got big stacks coming out the safe tonight. All the hard working young lovers, like myself, need a night to relax and make semi-poor decisions. I've got Tom with me, he's the wing man. He helped Sam and Harry get girls and is in the process of helping me out. We argue over my play boy says sometimes. I just haven't found "the one", so I'm having some fun.
It's a big gap between us in the game. He can hook them and real them in, but he's not the one eating them for dinner. That's my job.

Considering this past week's chaos in the media, I'm just here to blow off some steam... and some money. I work hard enough and save up for nights like these. In the next life, I'm trying to stay paid. When I die, put my money in the grave. Tonight felt different. Lustful even. It wasn't from the guests. It was radiating off me and girls were swarming to me like bees with honey. It was actually becoming quite dreadful. Especially when they were extremely drunk and putting their hand literally in my pants.

"Tom, I'm sorry I dragged you out to-" He put up a finger to tell me to hold on. He clearly found himself a woman for tonight, if he doesn't scare her away with wanting a second date.

Rather than waiting, I decided to head for the door. I made it halfway through the touchy-feely crowd when I was floored. Fiery red, long hair. Eyes that touched your soul. A, in my opinion since everyone has different and sometimes offensive opinions, banging body. It was as if she had me under a spell. My heart pounded. She was the one. But how do I approach a stunner like her? All the other girls in here didn't matter to me anymore. I want her. I need her.

I made my way to a booth that was more private. I was mentally slapping myself for being a coward and not going up to her. Tom had no idea where I was for he was now dancing with the girl he was talking to. They look happy. Like a couple more than a possible hook up. My mind immediately went back to that beauty. Imagining her dancing and dancing up on me. My play boy ways taking quite the back seat.
I used to "save" girls with a mask and a cape, just so they could "reward" me in all types of ways. Now I'm like, "Nah, love, I'm good, go away."

Not about to die with no money now. All I've done is lay eyes on her and I want to change my ways. I was on top when that shit meant a lot, the partying and girls. The fame and fortune. Still on top, but I'm afraid I'm going to drop. Then again, with her, I could be number one. My eyes found her again and now I could see her in full. A dress that fit her beautifully and heels that complimented her legs. I think she caught me staring. I try to act smug but I'm pretty it's failing. She made her way over to me with the sexiest half smile that nearly made me want to do things in public no celebrity should do.

"Hey hot stuff. You alone tonight?" Her heart made is mind explode. So lust filled but gentle.

"For the most part, yeah." For the most part? Really man?

"Mind if I join?" She motioned you the bench and I moved over.

For what felt like hours, we talked, bonded over our claims to riches. How our play boy lustful ways was really just an act because that's what people want from us. Kardashian chaos. But what had me feeling crazy was her hand on my thigh the entire time. I couldn't tell if she had put it up that high or she had been slowly inching throughout our short period of time together.

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