Tom| Peter Pan Part 3

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"What is pregnant and why does it mean you have to leave? Why does it mean you have to grow up?" Peter asked confused and clearly forgetting that this isn't the first time he has done this, forgetting all about his son.

"I have a little Lost Boy inside me. I cannot stay for it is the rules of the island's magic." she tried to calm herself down.

"How did he get in there?" he truly did not know. Tink placed a hand on her forehead, thinking about his son Rumple. She flew away before Pan could give her more of a headache.

"The adult pleasure that we do together. The stuff that comes out of you is another form of magic. I too have that similar form. The two mixed together and created a Lost Boy. But the rule's said that I could not stay for the magic of the island will be broken like with the words that we cannot speak." Peter looked to the ground, sad.

"Will you come back?" Tears filled his eyes.

"Don't cry. I will be back, someday." Tears fill Jane's eyes now.

Their hearts ached with pain. This could not have happened at a worse time. Peter's heart grew cold again. This wasn't fair. Just when he found that feeling again, something is ripping it from him. Why did it have to hurt? Why did the book have to be so cruel to him? So many unanswered questions. Ones that will never be answered. A day later, Jane was ready to fly back to London. She feared what her mother would say for a couple months here is likely a couple years in the real world. But she knew this was the right thing to do if she were going to raise a healthy child. Peter held her face in his hands as they cried. Hearts broke throughout the boys and even Tink felt the pain.

"I will be back some day. I promise I will. You will get to meet your child." Peter wiped a few tears away.

Both cheeks rosie, tears flowing. They kissed for what will be the last time for a long time. Tink used her magic and Jane began to float. Higher, higher, higher. Until the boys were little specks. The flight back to London was uneventful. The women did not interact. Too eerie to talk. When they arrived to her mother's place in London, Tink chimed.

"I will miss you too. Please, take care of Peter for me." Tink hugged Jane the best she could given there noticeable size difference.

Jane turned to the door when Tink flew away. Her fist felt heavy as she knocked. She did not want to be here. But she knew she had to be. The door opened to reveal her fairly aged mother. Turns out that a couple months was nearly a decade in the real world. But Wendy had aged beautifully. She was not mad at her daughter when they sat down to talk. She was glad that she was safe at home now. Wendy did not approve of the idea of Jane going back but knew that Peter deserved to meet his child when the time was right. Within a week, Jane and Wendy set up secret appointments for no one disappears for nearly ten years and reappears alive.

Over the next nine months, Jane spent it caring for herself and her growing womb. She also spent it missing Peter. When the day arrived to give birth, it felt like a ton of bricks. So much responsibility. Was she ready for it? There was no more time to prepare and think about it. Their child was here. She held the little bundle of joy in her arms after an intense labor. Nearly 36 hours. Jane cried, laughed with joy, then cried again. She has felt love before. Peter. But this little one, she was a different kind of love. One that only a parent feels for their child. But in a blink of an eye,

"Margaret." Jane spoke in a hushed tone.

Margaret had a few features of Peter. His nose and ears. The way she smiled. It was all him. But the rest was her. A perfect mix of the two. But within a blink of an eye, Jane was teaching Margaret to walk, to talk, to eat on her own. Jane thought that she'd never feel this type of joy again. But she has. Margaret had Janes shaped eyes but the dark eyes of Peter. As the girl grew, more of Peter was starting to chow. It made Jane realize how fast time was here. She didn't like it. Before she could even keep track of time, Margaret was nearly five years old. Her fifth birthday was coming up. It only reminded her that Peter and his daughter need to meet.

Back on Neverland, Peter waited day in and day out on the shores. He missed Jane dearly and wanted to know the little Lost Boy they made. Tink reminded him that the time will come soon enough. A week passed and he had hope. Another passed and the flame began to burn out. It was now a month and he thinks he has lost hope. But for some reason he keeps going back to the shore. He sits there at night, counting stars and losing track after 50. Only to restart. Then he'll make wishes upon the moon. He always believed the moon had the power to grant wishes. How fast they were never up to him. He fell into a spat of depression and went back to his ruthless ways. He was hurting.

One night Tink disappeared and no one knew where. So rather than sitting bored in his hut, he went to the shore. He counted the stars and finally broke 50. He wished upon the moon and smiled. Maybe this time his wish would work. Maybe... He hasn't smiled in awhile. It felt... good. He thought it was his imagination. He saw a few twinkling stars floating through the sky. They were beautiful. That was until the got closer to land. He began to fear. Maybe it wasn't stars. Maybe it was balls of fire. He begins to back away from the shore into the brush. That is until three human figures appear. When their faces became visible, Peter leapt for joy. Jane was back!

He sprinted to her, catching her in a hug and spinning her around. No words were spoken. They did not have to speak. She looked a little different but not enough for her to be unrecognizable. He held her face in his hands and leaned in. They kissed for the first time in five years, one month.

"Are you my daddy?" A little voice squeaked from behind, causing them to break the tender kiss.

"Who's this little one?" Peter asked.

"Peter, I'd like you to meet Margaret, our little Lost Girl." Peter connected Lost Girl to Lost Boy and the analogy Jane gave before she left.

"Mummy! It's Maggie." Maggie giggled.

"That's right! My bad. Maggie." Jane looked at the delighted Peter.

"Yes, I am your daddy." Without another word spoken, the father and daughter shared their first hug.

It was a feeling Peter had never felt before, but he quite enjoyed it. He began to think of all the things he did while Jane was gone. Guilt filled him as his mind traveled to the small child in his arms. His child. No more ruthless ways. He could be young forever, but it was time to grow up. A little magic should do the trick. 

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