Sam| Feel My Love

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Inspired by Glenn Travis's song Feel My Love. Yes, the Ace Family intro music.

Someone told me love was only in the movies. It doesn't exist in real life these days now. But she showed me if I only just find the faith I need to believe.  Anything is possible if you want it bad enough. Know the sky, ain't too high to test your limits. You can feel unstoppable, incredible.
Hold still, I can see I'm so ready. My palms are sweating and my heart is racing. I can't believe I'm doing this.

Oh this has gotta be the night that dreams come true. Everything feels just right. When I'm with her, everyone knows this, I'm nothing. I've loved Y/n since the day I met her. She's my everything. Her perfect hair, smile, eyes, everything. She's just so gorgeous. No one has ever made my legs feel like jelly and made me stutter with the first words spoken to them. She was the one who did that to me. Had the guys taking a piss out of me for weeks afterwards. That didn't stop her though.

She kept coming around even when Tom went from a household name in London to a household name across the world. Nothing scared her and that made me love her more. One drunk night I even confessed to Harry my love for her.  I said "You feel my love for her? Did you feel my love?" He laughed at me. "Yes bro, we all do. You're not subtle about it." We both laughed. That was one hell of a night. The same night we kissed for the first time. Wowza! I knew from that kiss I'd be preparing to do what I'm about to do.

Someone told me that it's unlikely to do other things you want to do cause life just seemed fair now. But don't be lonely, find somebody. Then it won't be so hard for you to see that anything is possible. They were so right. I found someone and they make me feel unstoppable. She's everything. My future. The future Mrs. Holland if she says yes. I doubt that she'll say no. Y/n has wanted to get married to someone since she was 5 and was in a wedding herself. I saw those pictures. Such a cutie.

"If you want it bad enough, the sky ain't too high to test your limits." I remind myself as my phone buzzes with a text from Paddy. He's notifying me that they're 2 minutes out. Perfect! I'm so ready, besides mentally shitting myself. This has gotta be the night that dreams come true. Everything is just right. All set up perfectly in our beautiful park. A small path of petals to the edge of the pond where we had our first date. It couldn't get more perfect than that.

She's now here and my heart is racing. I put on a smile to hide my nerves. She walks down the pathway giggling. I think she knows but is going to let me do my thing. "Sam?" Y/n asks. I just smile and kiss her. Everything that I've ever wanted, right in front of me. "This is not a dream. Our eyes are wide open. Babe, I'm here and I'm coming in. Doors are closing. But a new one is opening. I won't run away because I believe I'm chosen. I'll run right through that open door as long as I have you by my side." I pause to get down on one knee.

"Y/n Y/m/n, will you run through that door with me?" I open the ring box. Her eyes glisten with tears as she giggles in amazement. Without saying a word she nods her head. I stand back up and place the ring on her finger. We give each other a passionate kiss. A few seconds in we hear mine and her family cheering in the background. Oh this has gotta be the night that dreams come true. Everything is just right. She is my everything. Now she'll be my wife.
I said do you feel my love? Did you feel my love?

Ok so, I just want to let everyone know that I'm not trying to write only heterosexual fanfic. I want to eventually start writing homosexual fanfic as well. I just need to get in the groove. Hang in there! It is coming I promise!

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