Tom| Stranger Things

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You took the midnight train going anywhere. You had not destination in mind. Actually that was a lie you didn't want to admit to yourself but you weren't in a rush to get there. The beautiful city of London. You had been visiting England and only planned on staying for a couple weeks. It was your time away from home. You had so much drama that it became overwhelming. You need a breather or something bad would've happened. So as time went on you didn't realize that you stayed for more than two weeks. You lost yourself in England starting with Manchester and slowly making your way to London and then hopefully to Brighton or Worthing. You made sure you had enough money and then some before leaving. You hated the idea of going broke on vacation.

Just a small town girl from the states. Bored with life and fed up with drama. You were basically living in a lonely world. You worked your ass off so you deserved this. For felt free here, like your own person. You're even thinking about moving here. You had no purpose back home. You were just a broke high school graduate who worked day in and day out just to pay the bills that weren't even yours. Though you knew no one here, you finally felt like you could be yourself. Start new and pretend like the past never happened. Be the Y/n you always dreamt of being. Your passion was music and where you lived was not ideal for starting a career. The place was a waste land and you were stuck in the middle.

You watched as the scenery moved passed. It brought on a sense of peace and the music you were listening to added to it. Sometimes there would be bright lights as you passed through small cities or light here and there as you passed through towns. It was comforting until you felt like you were being watched. You look around and no one was looking at you. Maybe it's just your imagination running rapid again. It does that sometimes. You just shrugged it off for awhile until it became unbearable. You look around again and yet again no one was looking at you. Very confused you get up to go to the "bathroom". As you walk passed no one paid attention to you. It started to feel like a horror film or a film based off of a true story were a masked gunman holds a train hostage. You watched as you walked by. Nothing.

After about 5 minutes of being in the bathroom and getting your shit together you came to the conclusion that it was just stuff from home that was getting to you. There was clearly no one watching. You shake it off and head back to your seat. You still felt uneasy though. For rest of the ride you tried ignoring the feeling. The train stopped at the last station and you got off. You weren't to London yet but you were getting there. The walk to the hotel you booked for the night was a block away so you weren't worried. You check the time, 1:30 a.m. Eh not terrible. You had gotten a second wind so your weren't tired. This will last a couple more hours for you so you decide to find someplace to kill time, maybe have a drink. Eventually you settle for a lonely bar a couple blocks away.

A singer in a smoky room on the other side of the bar is playing slow 80's rock music. Something you could enjoy. The smell of wine and cheap perfume filled the air. What should be making you feel depressed was actually making you feel happy. Maybe it was the sense of equality in the room. Everyone in there has a purpose but for now they're going to drink to what they have. Appreciate the little things in life and not fret about the negativity. You wondered if they served a Manhattan on the rocks. As you ordering the feeling comes back again. You quickly turn and finally catch someone staring and not because of the drink you ordered. He had his hood up but you didn't feel creeped out for some reason. You grab your drink, pay and then start walking in the direction of him.  

As you get closer he pulled his hood back a bit further. His expression was soft. He also looked familiar but you can't figure out wear from. "Hi." you greeted softly. "Uh hi." he started to get kind of nervous. Nothing was said between the two of you other than that. Only stolen glances from the floor. It was awkward but more of a cute awkward. No guy has ever been shy about talking to you. Unfortunately they either see you as a piece of ass or one of the bros. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh, I'm Tom." he gave a slight smile. "Y/n" you gave one back. Again it fell silent. Tom looks like a guy who has lots to say but right now he looks lost for words. He placed his hands on his face with a groan. You give him a confused look.

"I'm sorry it's just, I'm usually smooth with starting a conversation but for some reason right now I'm lost for words." you giggle. That's what you figured. "It's fine. We don't have to talk much if you don't want to." you reassure him. Honestly his presence was enough to make you feel comfortable. It was odd though since he is a stranger... maybe he's an actor for Stranger Things? No that's not it. Tom's head shot up. "You're not from here are you?" he gave a smirk. You shook your head. "Nope definitely not. I don't have a sexy accent." you chuckle. He chuckles but shakes his head. "Darling to me you're the one with a sexy accent" blush crept onto your face. Ok now that was smooth. His smile topped it off and made your legs start to feel weak. Well shit Y/n.

He hung his head as he continued to chuckle. "You don't know who I am don't you?" Tom asked. You shrugged. You really didn't. "I recognize you from somewhere. Are you from Stranger Things or am I way off? As you can tell I don't watch much TV" you press your lips together and nod. Tom chuckles. God he could probably make any girl weak kneed. "I mean I am strange but no I'm not from Stranger Things. Try naming a superhero." he gave a devilish grin. As if you were going to get that on the first try. "Uh, the Flash? Kid Flash? Uh Scott Summers? Spider-Man?" one of those had to be right. If not then you totally made a fool of yourself in front of a hot guy. He laughs at your many attempts.

"You don't like getting things wrong do you?" he asked. "Not when it's around an attractive guy." you sip and see his reaction. You thought that, that would make him run. It didn't it only made him smile more. "You got one of them right." you tilt your head. You did. "Here maybe this will jog your memory. You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude." you still look confused. "Uh here, how about this one, Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry." that was the one that made you recognize him. "Spider-Man." you give a small smile. "H-hi I'm Parker Pet- I mean Peter Parker." he gave the same shy smile and held out his hand. It made you give a giggle that you didn't know was in you.

"S-sorry. It's just I'm uh, I'm not used to talking to, you know, pretty girls like you." he held the accent and body language. It made you bite your lip. It was adorable. As much as you loved the fact that he was pretending to be his character, you wanted Tom back. "So uh, Peter, does your friend Tom have a girlfriend before I start flirting and get in trouble?" with that he switched back. "I don't darling. With the way you said that, you don't have a boyfriend do you?" you shake your head. "Nope. usually a piece of ass." you sigh. Tom looks behind you and gives an approving look. "I mean you do have a nice one but i can see that there's more to you than just a good night." again you laugh and smack his arm.

"Pfft! Yeah like my ass is totally girlfriend material." you take another sip of you drink. "I think you are." he shrugs his shoulders as if he said that low enough. He knows damn well he didn't. "You're from London right?" you ask. He nods his head. "Come stay at my hotel room tonight. You and I can head there tomorrow. It's my main destination." you finally admitted to yourself. No more lying Y/n. he gives a half smile. "You trust me enough to spend the night with you even though we met 20 minutes ago and don't actually know who I am." there was pause. "You're Spider-Man. You can save me if bad guys come at us. You might even get a kiss if you do." you teased. This had him locked in. he followed you back to your room with no troubles from assholes. But he did get that kiss you promised.

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