Tom| Houston

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Inspired by Luke Comb's song Houston, We've Got A Problem.

"This is my kinda town, this is my kinda place. I wouldn't mind hangin' 'round for more than just a couple days." The words fell from Y/N's mouth so smoothly you'd think she wrote the song.

This tour has been rough on her. But she was released for tonight's show. Last one before the holidays. Everyone expects her to hop on a plane and head back to New York to be with family, but that's the furthest thought from her mind. If anything the thought of "home" is dreadful. But being a semi famous aspiring artist, who's well known within a certain age group and crowd, you can say your true feelings out loud. God forbid you talk about family like that.

"I got a twelfth floor room with a killer view of the empty Astrodome. A tab at the bar downstairs, but all I can think about is home." That last bit made her stomach turn a bit.

Flashes of the final conversation with her family before tour played in her head. Yeah, she's young. Ripe age of 21. But her age isn't stopping her for the passion she has for music. Along with the passion she has for her boyfriend of nearly a year, Tom. But even when he talks about meeting her family, she steers the conversation in a completely different direction. He wants to know what's wrong but doesn't pry. It's definitely something he has to wait for her to open up about.

"I got new boots covered in red dirt. A "Don't Mess With Texas" T-shirt and a Lonestar postcard postmarked with missin' you. It's got the biggest sky you've ever seen, the coldest beer you'd ever drink
But I still feel like I landed on the moon 'cause it ain't got you. Houston, we got a problem." Saying those words bring her to the late night FaceTime calls between the two.

*Flashback 1*

How things started was at the 2018 Oscars. She was a performer and nominee. Y/N does more than just sing. Compare her to Lady Gaga or basically any singer who is also an actor. It was one of the less important awards that they choose to present during the commercials. She and Tom were presenting for this award and thanks to her, there was a bit of a delay.

"Constance, I can't do these goddamn heels anymore!" Y/N was practically in tears from the multiple blisters she was getting from the awful tight heels they forced her to wear after getting the size wrong.

"Jesus Y/N quit the diva attitude!" Constance yelled at her.

Constance felt bad for saying what she did when she saw Y/N's feet. Open sores and blood beginning to drip. An offstage medic came into the room to help out, pointing out that they noticed Y/N had to practically be carried backstage from the pain she was in. When she was all taken care of, socks went on as did her favorite pair of converse. Constance went back to her cranky self and grimaced at the dirty beat up shoes. Needless to say, Constance was fired not long after the show.

Y/N took a deep breath as she approached her mark to be called onto the stage. Already standing there was Tom. He felt nervous though this was his second time presenting that night. It was still pretty nerve racking despite how many times you've done it already. But he wasn't like Y/N, who if she wasn't careful, could soil her dress at any moment. Tom held his arm out for her to grab and immediately noticed the difference in her height then it was ten minutes ago. He looked down and saw the grungy white tip of her shoes.

"Nice shoes." He gave probably the sexiest half smile Y/N has ever seen.

"Uh, thanks." She nervously laughed out.

It was right then and there that her nerves exploded. Holy shit! She's TOUCHING Tom Holland. Hollywood's currently most wanted young bachelor. Before she could finish wrapping her head around what was happening, they were announced to present. She saw the small flight of stairs to get on the stage and panicked. Flashbacks of the Kids Choice Awards came back. She practically ate shit coming on stage to perform with Halsey. Luckily no one saw but it still haunts her to this day.

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