Harry| Photograph

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Harry sifted through things in his room as he packed to move. He wasn't moving far away from his family but it was far enough that he wouldn't be able to see them as often as he did when he had time off. He stumbled across a box of photos and polaroids he took in his last year of BRIT school. Some of the photos were nice ones he duplicated from assignments and some of friends. They all brought back amazing memories that always makes him laugh. The crazy times that usually ended with bad decisions that none or all of their parents would find out about. The multiple times he got grounded, but it was all worth it.

Then he lifted a photo that brought him joy but also a ping of sadness. It was of you. You were insanely drunk before the sun even went down that day. Everyone was in the field having a good time and to no surprise, Harry had his camera on him. He always had to have his camera with him. To him, any opportunity is a great photo op. It was a night you wouldn't remember but he would and he had pictures to prove it.

"Harry!" You screeched. "Come take pictures of me!" You giggled in your drunken state.

The sun was setting so there was a beautiful background. You twirled and did silly jumps in the air for him as he snapped each movement. Then there was one picture that he'd never forget the moment. It was the moment he realized how he felt about you.Unfortunately it was too late to tell you. School was ending a couple weeks after that night and you had an internship with Vogue in New York that summer. Harry was going to be touring with his brother Tom for his movie Spider-Man: Homecoming. He thought if he told you then that you would have rejected him because of the possibility of never being able to see each other. So all he did was take your picture.

You had turned around to face the sun so Harry went in front of you but not blocking the sun from your face. His heart started beating faster when the sun lit up your already beautiful eyes. But he had to keep his cool, though it wouldn't have mattered because you were already so drunk that you wouldn't remember.

"Alright lets uh, go get you some water darling." He said trying to wrap up.

"Awe, ok." You giggled.

All he could do was smile, no matter how much he wanted to kiss you. He forced himself to hold back the entire night, even when you snuggled right up to him by the fire. Everyone chalked it up to you just being drunk Y/N. Harry knew you were cold and all he wanted to do is keep you warm. Those last two weeks were hell for him. He tried to forget that night or try to change the events in his mind but they wouldn't budge. It was hopeless like his feelings for you. Harry knew you had feelings for him since his first rejection the year prior when he tried asking the girl he liked at the time to prom. He was in his room inconsolable to his family and Nikki knew the only way to get him to talk was you. So she called you over.

"Hey shutterbug." You leaned against his doorframe. His head shot towards you and a small and fake smile went onto his face.

"I'm sorry about today." You walked over to his bed and laid down next to him.

"It's not your fault. I'm used to it by now." He frowned.

It broke your heart to see him like this. It hurt even worse that your best friend got rejected and you were going with some kid named Tyler you only met a couple weekends ago. Tyler was the distraction from your feelings for Harry. It obviously didn't work.

"Yeah, but being used to it and how it feels are two different things. Unfortunately, your used to it and unfortunately it still hurts like hell. Is there anything I can do to help make you the happy go lucky Harry Holland I know?" You were now on your knees bouncing a bit like a kid. He tried fighting a smile but it didn't work.

"There we go!" You cheered.

"Pizza." Harry chuckled.

"Pizza it is." You hopped off his bed but not before kissing his cheek, which you didn't even expect yourself to do.

You both brushed it off though and went to go get your pizza. That night you left through the backdoor of his house since his family was asleep and it was probably 3 in the morning. Harry watched as you left and tried not to get yelled at by the neighbor for being near their house. That's a whole other story in itself. A smile was plastered on his face as you left. He didn't know then that he was in love with you. He now had the photo album spread out on his bedroom floor. That night in the field and multiple other nights. It was like a puzzle with a bunch of different colors but all told one story. He had forgotten it was his own work he was so mesmerized by it.

Harry realized that majority of the pictures he's taken over the past couple years were of you. He swallowed a lump that grew in his throat. Harry couldn't have these feelings for you now. You two had stopped talking due to insane schedules and time zone differences. He didn't even know if you were still in New York. Bringing it back a bit, you sat on a picnic table outside of school with a heaviness in your heart. Today was the last day of school. No more running around at midnight when your parents were asleep. No more going to parties you only slightly remembered. No more Harry. No more sneaky into his bedroom in the middle of the night when you couldn't sleep, were sad, just needed someone to talk to, or any random ass reason why you would be in his room in the middle of the night.

It was all ending now because for the next few days you'd be packing everything up and shipping off to New York to start a new life. Unfortunately that comes with lack of communication too.

"Hey." Harry sat next to you.

"Hey." You look down to the ground blinking tears away. It was silent for a moment as you both stared at the ground.

"This is it isn't it?" You said softly. "Unfortunately yes, it is." He paused.

"Y/N I-" "I know." You cut him off. You didn't know what he could've said but you had a million different ideas so you kind of knew.

"You do?" He asked.

You just nodded and looked at him with tears threatening to fall. You both checked the time and your hearts dropped. Two minutes left.

"So, this is it." You said and looked away as tears overflowed and fell. The last bell went off and you closed your eyes. The tears fell harder.

"Y/N I-" You cut Harry off with a hug and a sob into his chest. He wanted to say it but that bell signified that it was too late.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Harry said into your hair as he hugged you back.

Harry walked you to your car and hugged you one more time. What you both didn't know is that when you both arrived home, you both cried in your cars for about 15 minutes before going in your houses. Then that night, rather than sneaking in his room, you stayed in yours and looked up at the ceiling. You both did that and you both said I love you to each other, but none of you would hear the other say it. The day you left, he saw your mom driving you to the airport. You both made eye contact. He mouthed something that made your heart drop but you never actually heard him say it. It wasn't goodbye like most would say. It was those three words that mean so much. What you didn't know was that you were actually right.

So, now Harry is here. Looking at your photographs and finally letting that painful tear slip. He forced himself to stop thinking about you and forced himself to hook up with other girls. It worked until now. Every emotion he had stored away poured back into his heart. Harry didn't really know what he was doing but he hopes it'll change something in his life. He scrolled through his contact, searching for your name. He found it and tapped it, hitting the call button. His screen went black as it showed that his phone was dialing. Harry put his phone to his ear and could hear his heart pounding.

He couldn't tell if he was excited or scared. They both felt the same in this moment. He felt himself grow a little cold. Maybe it was fear. Maybe this wasn't your number anymore? He was beginning to think irrationally. Even contemplated hanging up for a second. He decided against it, for there is only one way to find out. He swallowed the little bit of spit he had in his mouth. It rang a few times and then the ringing stopped. His heart also stopped for second until, "Harry?"

Inspired by Nickelback's song Photograph

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