Peter Parker| You Raised My..., Part 3 of Lego Death Star

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"So you're telekinetic?" Peter sounded astonished. He had popped in after fighting bad guys with Tony Stark rather than you trying to leave your place. Your grandmother gladly let him in. "Yeah I am. My family has had a long line of mutants in our lineage. I'm the only one with telekinetic powers. Like every person in the world, we're all made differently." you smiled proudly. Your family has never been afraid to hide your powers. Ever since the 1960s they've been against being seen as monsters. If the U.S. military can create a super soldier then why couldn't mutants roam free you know?

"Don't take it the wrong way when I say I want to experiment with you." you chuckled. He's always being a scientist. "And how do you want to do that?" you asked. "I want to see what you can lift." he shrugged. Not to hard. You obviously knew that he wasn't going to take your blood or take you apart limb by limb. The kid is afraid of snakes for crying out loud! But you also started thinking of something else you could lift. Brushing an estranged hair off his brow you lean in to kiss him. He gladly meets you in the middle. Peter's hand found a place on your hip and traveled to your lower back. He's glad that he texted May that she shouldn't worry if he doesn't come home tonight. He may be at Y/n's. Peter swiftly pulled you on top of him as he slipped his tongue in your mouth.

You suddenly broke the kiss. The thought of what he said earlier popped into your head. "Do you love me?" you looked him in those innocent brown eyes. "I love you." he smiled. Peter leaned up and pecked you. You've never really been one for love, especially with what you've been through. The three words kind of tasted like soap in your mouth. You never say it to your grandmother and thankfully she knows why. With her wisdom that has built up in her years, the saying, " actions speak louder than words." you said that part out loud. "Y/n are you ok.?" Peter sat up but made sure to pull you close to him.

"No. Not really. It's just when I say those three words they taste like soap. It's not that I don't feel that emotion towards you. It's just hard to say." you look down. Peter lifts your chin and kisses you softly. "I'm not going to force you to say it. Like you said, actions speak louder than words." he smiled. What he was thinking was completely opposite of what you were thinking. He was thinking about the cute stuff like dates, walking home from school together, his case swinging around the city. You on the other hand had a different idea.

You pulled Peter in for another kiss which quickly got heated. You grind yourself on his hips which caused a light groan to come out. His hands traveled up your shirt and removed it. You did the same for him. Peter's eyes were popping out and you weren't even naked yet. You giggled at his reaction. It was like a kid on Christmas day. "Go ahead. Do what you want with them." you chuckled. He pulled you as close as possible and started kissing your chest. Your hands tangled in his locks and your eyes fluttered closed with a smile. Your bra came loose. You didn't even know that he had unhooked your bra.

You took it off slowly and the need in Peter's eyes only added to your arousal. Once it was off you quickly started kissing him again. He didn't get the chance to look but you didn't care teasing was your thing even if it wasn't sex. You felt him growing beneath you. "Are you using your powers against me or are you just that hot?" Peter murmured into your neck. You giggled at his corny joke. He then flipped you two over so he was on top. He quickly hopped off the bed and took the rest of his clothes except his boxers off. Your eyes were glued to him. You were right, hidden wonders. You were mentally drooling over him.

He had the same look on his face because your boobs were fully exposed. You got up and slowly removed the rest of your clothes, including your panties. You were now fully exposed. Peter's boxers became way too tight for him. He took them off and crawled back on to the bed. You watched him, well mostly his meat. It was way bigger than you thought it was going to be because, well, most 16 year old boys aren't big. You've also way too many of those and not because you wanted too. They're just horny boys who think dick pics will get them laid. Little advice, it doesn't work that way.

You followed behind and stopped at his dick. His eyes widened when he realized what you were about to do. Now was the time to have some fun with the foreplay. You used your powers to lift his dick a tad bit more. "Holy shit!" he was in shock. You grabbed him and slowly moved your hand up and down. His head fell back and his eyes closed. As this happened the one curl flopped onto his brow. Oh that curl. The things it made your mind wander to. You had enough pumping him so you lined it up to your mouth. Peter's head shot back up and his jaw dropped when he felt your warm mouth on him.

He grabbed a pillow to make sure none of his moans were heard from your grandmother as you went down on him. His chest rose and fell rapidly. You felt him grow more in your mouth as your tongue worked wonders. You can hear his muffled moans through the pillow. He was getting close and that's not was you wanted. So you stopped and the second you did he removed the pillow and cocked an eyebrow. "Not yet. My turn." you said as you plopped down next to him. He gladly crawled on top and started kissing you again. Hi one hand found a nipple and his other went down to your woman hood.

He slipped a couple fingers in and slowly moved in and out. He felt clueless as to what he should be doing. You broke the kiss. "Try curling your fingers." you were clueless. Too. neither of you have had sex before. Not even foreplay. He curled his fingers and moved a bit faster. You bit your lip. So that's what it's supposed to feel like. "Good?" he asked. You nodded. You watched as his muscles tensed a bit as he went fast. You felt a tingling feeling on your chest as your nipples got hard. Your breathing became labored. "Stopped." you huffed out. "Why?" a smile grew on your face. He got the hint.

He moved down and spread your legs. He bit his lip at the sight. His eyes grew darker. He leaned in and kissed you. You eyes closed at the feeling. He stuck his tongue out and started licking. He hoped that this was feeling good. Your hand went back to his hair and pushed him closer. His tongue felt better than his finger but no doubt that his dick will take the cake. The feeling became overwhelming. You grabbed a pillow to cover your moans. This was one of the best feelings in the world. Suddenly you felt an unknown urge. You had somewhat of an idea as to what it was.

"Stop. Condoms are in the bottom drawer on my desk." you said to him. Peter quickly got up and went to you desk. As he walked back he put the condom on. Thank you health class for teaching them how to use a condom. Peter crawled on top of you again and positioned himself. "Let me know if you're uncomfortable at any point." you nodded. He slowly slipped himself in. it's been a while since you've had sex so it was uncomfortable at first. You nodded your head for him to go. His head dropped into your neck. Once it started to feel good, your hands gripped anything that you could.

"Peter!' you lightly moaned. A hand went to one of your boobs and the other to your hip. Peter let out light groans into your neck. He was amazing. This was amazing. You started letting out more moans as he picked up the pace. You watched as his muscles tensed. It was the hottest thing you've ever seen. Every dip and curve drove you wild. Peter started sucking one your neck to keep his moaning down. Of course it didn't really work but it felt good. "Peter!" your legs wrapped around him to bring him in deeper. You were getting close and so was he. "Y/n I-! Oh fuck!" he groaned as he let go, spilling into the condom. He couldn't even finish his sentence.

You were almost there but Peter had to stop or his body would collapse on top of yours in an unpleasant way. He rolled off you."I'm sorry." he looked disappointed. "Peter?" you rolled onto your side to face him. "Don't be disappointed. It's fine that I didn't make it there. We have a lot of time to figure it out ok?" you scooted closer to him and grabbed a fuzzy blanket to cover yourselves. Peter wrapped his arm around you. Him holding you like this made you feel safe. You love him. Y/n just say it and ignore the taste in your mouth. "I love you." you croaked out. Your eyes filled with tears. Peter leaned in and kissed you. "I love you Y/n. I promise to make that phrase taste like candy rather than soap." you two chuckled and kissed one more time. You fell asleep to the sweet music of his heart beat.

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