Tom| Monster

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Inspired by Gabbie Hanna's song Monster

Laying in the bed that I made all alone. Guess I'm not surprised honestly. Praying in my head that you stayed and I hope you'll miss me eventually. People wanna talk when I'm not around to hear. Guess that comes with status. Not easy living in hierarchy. Really, they don't know what I'm made of. People keep on walking so far away from here. Clearly I'm the one they're afraid of. One after another, they've always come and gone. No matter who they are, they've never been good enough for my family. I've tried so hard to be better and still make them happy. But they will never be satisfied. So I'm turning into something much worse than what I was before.

So what if I'm the monster that's been here all along? They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around. So used to goodbyes, there's comfort in the sound. Maybe I'm the monster that's been here all along. Bend until you break and you can't take anymore. I'm not worth the trouble it seems. I would say you're wrong, but I've been here before. She won't be the last one to leave. They won't ever be satisfied. Either we scare them away or they choose to walk away before they become our feast. I help them escape. I hate it when my fangs of a family want to use a mortal for their needs. My family tried to set me up with others of our kind. But my heart isn't in it. My heart is now with her. The beauty who I hide my love from. It's too dangerous for her. Maybe I'm the monster that's been here all along.

"You're safe here. No need to run and hide underneath your cover now. Don't be scared." She said the first night we met. I decided a stroll in town was a good idea.

It was a terrible one. I was terrified and my hungry grew at the scent of human blood. I hid under a hooded cape which is suspicious considering this isn't 1600s-early 1900s. She had found me and I tried to hide. Her sweet voice made me feel at ease. I was stubborn at first with talking but eventually I opened up. She told me that she had a feeling of who I was. That she had read about my family in book but didn't know that we actually existed. She also threw in that she said we're better looking as well.

But the second I came home after a night of being with her, my family smelled her scent. They scowled at me. Told me that if she was one, that my taste in women was distasteful. That no vampire man should have feelings for a mortal woman unless we plans on a one night stand that leads to dinner. My heart raged with fire. But it was no use to fight back. For weeks they treated me like I was dirt. That I had practically dethroned myself as vampire king before I even claimed the title. I hadn't seen her in those weeks. But I couldn't stop thinking about her, her beauty. The way she saw me. Like I wasn't the monster I was becoming.

But all it took was one night. One night I'm never going to forget. She had made her way to our fortress beyond the woods.

"Tom!" She whispered up to me as I stared into the distance. My heart dropped. I hopped down to her.

"What are you doing here? You can't be here!" I whispered.

She just smiled. I obviously did not. Quickly, she kissed me. There was so much passion and fire in the kiss. It was fantastic. But that quickly turned to doom. They ripped her off me and ran. My brothers held me back. I screamed for her as she screamed for me. But my much more muscular brothers overpowered me. I wish they never worked out. We have abnormal strength to begin with.

They finally let go of me when they knew it'd be long enough for it to be too late. But that didn't stop me. I ran and ran. But like I said, it was too late. I made it to our feasting room. She lie still on the table with bites all over.

"Y/n?" I asked but knew I'd get no answer.
MHer skin was cold to the touch as I placed a hand on her cheek. Her once pink lips that just brought me joy are now a deep shade of grey. Tears fell. There's nothing left inside. Since they ate my heart out. One after another, they've always come and gone. So what if I'm the monster that's been here all along?

I lead her to this. I should have just left the mortal world alone. But my stubborn heart couldn't do that. I wanted something more. Something I can't have. Now she's gone and I didn't even get the chance to fall in love with her. They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around. So used to goodbyes, there's comfort in the sound. Maybe I'm the monster that's been here all along.

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