Peter Parker| Power Couple, Part 4 of Lego Death Star

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It's been four months since you two admitted your powers to each but seven months of dating. Yes, the first date was a bit late but with superhero stuff mixed with school stuff, it kind of had to be put on the back burner until further notice. But it was totally worth it and now you two jokingly call each other a power couple. Unless Peter needs help, you two basically do your own thing. You stop bad guys from going into places and Peter kicks their asses. Every time you two team up you're glad that you have a bottom face mask because it covers up the fact that you're drooling over Spidey.

Today felt off though. You did your normal daily routine, hung out with Peter... literally since he webbed your feet to the ceiling. You two ordered pizza and watched Star Wars on repeat. But it was when you left that you felt uneasy. You felt as if you were being watched and not the "Peter is following you across the street" watched.

Not the one you could sense from him and then start giggling like an idiot. This time it was like one of those creepy paintings. The ones where their eyes follow you. It was a minute walk but it still felt unpleasant. You made it to your apartment and like always there's a note on the fridge from your grandmother saying she'll be home late from her knitting class. You chuckle at how adorable her note is. One thing you loved about her old school ways.

That didn't get rid of the uneasy feeling that was only growing stronger. Almost as if your spidey senses were tingling. You go to your bedroom and look out the window. Peter was still there doing his advanced calc homework. He notices and looks over at you with a cute smile and wave. You do the same and it helps with your nerves a little bit. But you still feel it. Like something will be happening and soon.

Hours passed and nothing. So you give up and think it's just your teenage hormones or something. It's just heightened because you have powers. Well your suspicions finally come true when you hear a scream from across the street. You look to where it is but find anything. As fast as you can, you put on your suit and head out the window. That's when you notice.

"It's May." Your eyes widen. Some dude with wings in a green suit is holding her up by the throat.

"Where's Peter?" You thought as you made yourself levitate over to them.

"Put her down! It's me you want not her!" the familiar high pitched voice yelled from the other side.

"Hey Pedro! How ya been?" Your jaw clenches. Now you know exactly who it is.

"Yeah and he brought back up." You approached. With his cool eyes, Peter winks at you.

"Oh so I see the bug dumped my daughter for what? A magician?" You watch as Peter's fists ball up from the comment. You swallow a knot that formed in your throat. Painful memories from your childhood caused by family.

"Please, just let her go. She doesn't deserve any of this." His voice got deeper and filled with fear for his beloved aunt.

"Alright Pedro, you and Houdini. Let's see you can actually handle the fight this time." The vulture guy chuckled.

"I won last time, remember?" Peter shot a web on a sharp blade.

You took a deep breath and started to feel your powers flow through you smoothly. You'd rather have a clear mind rather than your quick thinking for this one. He already threw you for a loop emotionally.

"Aye! Fight like a man. That's child's play!" The vulture guy yelled as he snipped the web like it was a thin thread.

"Not a chance!" You verbally retaliated. He's getting his ass put back in jail. Peter web grenades at his wings a few times and then his feet.

"Hey you know, you're making this too easy for me." Peter joked.

The Vulture's blood curtailing laugh is what got you. You feared the worst since this was all directed at Peter. Your fear suddenly became life or death. You heard the clang of metal as it slipped through the other blades. It all happened so quickly that even with your powers you couldn't stop the blade from moving so quickly.

Everything was silent for you now and all you could hear was your heart beat. Fast pace thudding as the dark metal flew in the air until the sound of the metal cutting flesh was all you could hear. You stepped back but felt as if you couldn't move any further. You remain paralyzed in your spot. A single tear rolled down your face. You couldn't even scream. His laugh echoed in your ears as he flew away.

"Y/n!" Peter screamed.

That's when your attention was brought back to the moment your in. Your hands flew to your abdomen as the pain shot through you. You watch as blood starts to trickle down your suit. Your once slowed down breathing quickened as you started to panic. Peter catches you as you collapse.

"Everything will be ok. Alright, baby?" His panicked and shaky voice reassured you. But you didn't need that. You know what happens next. Unfortunately the Vulture guy got away.

"I promise you'll be ok." Peter was terrified. He ripped off his mask, feeling like he couldn't breathe.

"Peter." You say, trying to cut him off of his panicked rambling. You remembered something important but him going on and on wouldn't stop.

"Peter I'm not... Peter?... Peter!" You coughed out.

"What?" Finally.

"I'm not going to die. Help me pull this damn thing out." You say tugging on the blade. He gives an odd look and then helps. You yelp in pain but it was finally out.

"Watch." You tell him. His facial expressions change as he watches the bleeding stop and you skin reform without a scab.

"What the hell?" Peter watches with amazement. "You self heal?" You nod your head with a chuckle and get up.

"Your not going to die?" he asks to double check.

You shake your head. All he does is pull you into a hug. You take your mask off in the process. He plants a sweet kiss on your lips and you return the favor.

"My place tonight, ok?" You ask biting your lip though it was more of a demand.
He nods and quickly goes to tell May of his nightly whereabouts. He swings the two of you into your apartment building here you're greeted by your grandmother.

"Crime fighting were you?" she chuckles.

"Yeah. no biggy though. Some dude with wings." You respond.

"Interesting." She nods, knowing that it's safer not to share.

You smile and wink at Peter who stood there with a look of shock on his face. To think he thought you were going to die. Well, if he hadn't helped pull the blade out, it's likely that you would've. But that's beside the point. It made you love the dork even more. He's your crime fighting dork. Your partner in crime. Your Lego Death Star partner. The one you love with all your heart.

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