Harry| Want You Back, Part 2 of Photograph

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"Harry?" You answered.

It's been a year since you've even spoke to him and you thought he had forgotten about you since his brother is famous now. You thought the worst of him in a physical sense. You thought that maybe he had hooked up with many girls that sadly would only hook up with him to get to Tom.

"Y/N?" He asked and sounded like he had been crying.

"Yeah? What's wrong? You sound like you've been crying." You say feeling concerned.

What happened to him? Is he hurt? Your heart started racing. You feared every bad scenario. Just more proof to you that you were still in love with him.

"I miss you." He says softly with a sniff. Your mind was put to ease.

"I miss you too." You said. Tears filled your eyes. He had no idea how much you missed him.

"Couldn't help but wonder if that was the last time that I'd see your face." he said.

"I know. I thought the same until the other day I came across your pictures in my phone." You said back. Tears fell now.

"I did the same with the box of photos from school." You smiled remembering how happy he was every time he added to his collection.

"You loved that box." You giggled.

"I still do." Hearing him chuckle on the other end made your heart swell. You missed everything about him.

"Wish I could say something that doesn't sound insane." He sounded upset again.

"Harry nothing you can say will sound insane. Even if it did, I know why." You reassured him.

"I don't trust my brain." Yoh could tell he was crying again.

"Harry let it out. I won't judge. I promise." It fell silent for a second.

"I love you." He finally said it.

"I love you too." You said with a smile.

He finally said it to you. You knew he loved you but you both didn't say it before parting ways. Something deep down told you that he did but you chose to put it to the side for fear of the future.

"No, Y/N I LOVE you." You understood that he didn't understand that you knew what he meant. He sounds like he's been emotionally distressed.

"I know Harry. I LOVE you too... I always have. Haven't stopped." You looked down into your lap feeling ashamed of not telling him sooner or even staying in contact with him.

"So... how's life?" He asks.

"It's ok. It'd be better if you were with me." You brought your knees to your chest.

"Same here." He chuckled.

"I'm home." you say and it fell silent again except for background noise. He started fist bumping the air in victory. He will never admit that to you though.

"Harry?" You ask.

"Oh uh, sorry I uh, you know what that's not important. You're home?" He had a cheerfulness to his voice now.

"Yeah. I'm home for the summer actually. Same house with my mum." You chuckled.

"That's fantastic." Harry's happy go lucky tone was back and he certainly was.

"Yeah it is. Unfortunately I have to go back in August." Your happy tone was replaced with sadness again knowing that if you and Harry do spend the summer together, you'd have to leave him again.

"I'm leaving in July." His tone matched yours now. You were confused. July?

"Why July?" why would he want you to leave earlier.

"I'm leaving with Tom in July for Spider-Man 2. I was hoping you and I could spend the rest of summer together." There it was. The separation again and a lot sooner than you wanted it to be.

"Oh..." It was silent again.

"Ahh! Shit!" You hear him say.

"Are... you... ok?" Was he also still the same clumsy Harry that also tripped over his own feet? You held a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah I am." He corrected himself. All of a sudden the doorbell rang.

"Hey, hold on I think my mum's package came in." He let you go to the door as he waited. You opened the door and it wasn't the mailman with you mum's package. Well, kind of. Her package was in fact there but not the mailman.

"Harry?" You're voice cracked and a tear slipped.

There he was and certainly taller than you remembered. Then again, it had been only a year since you talked last and almost two years since you last saw each other in person. But here he was, still as gorgeous as ever, making your heart explode once more.

"Hey." He smiled.

You skipped the hug and went straight for the long overdue kiss. He held you tight, setting the possibly fragile package down and letting you know that he definitely wasn't going anywhere for a while. You didn't care your neighbors saw you two making out at your doorstep. You and Harry had each other. Also, you're grown adults. If your neighbors who have adult children themselves can't handle a little PDA, fuck'em.

"We should... go in... side." Harry said in between kisses and ended with a chuckle.

"Yeah, we should." you kissed him and jumped.

He luckily caught you and walked in, slamming the door shut with his foot before carrying and stumbling to your room. Funny thing is, you two were so caught up in what you were doing, you completely forgot you were still on the phone with each other. But that obviously didn't matter. You had your Harry back and you were about to have him in a way you never thought would happen.

Inspired by 5 Seconds of Summer's song Want You Back.

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