So~ Cryde (South Park.)

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Warnings: Cursing.
Ages: 15 both.
Craig's POV

"So. How did you know you were gay?" Clyde asks.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I mean. How did you know you were gay? I'm just asking... for research purposes," he says.

"I don't know. I never really gave a fuck about dating a girl and liked guys. It's not really more than that," I say.

"Is it possible to like both?" He asks.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask.

He shakes his head. He actually don't know...

"Yes, it is. It's called being bisexual," I say.

"Bisexual? Do you know anything about it? Like, what it means to be bisexual?" He asks.

"I'm gay, not bi. It's just basically liking both boys and girls from what I know. Why are you so interested in bisexuality anyway?" I ask.

"Like I said, research," he says.

"I... don't believe you. Is there something you haven't told me?" I ask.

"Nothing, no, I'm being completely honest with you," he says.

"I fucking hate being lied to. You know that. So be honest for ones," I say.

"I'm figuring out... fuck. I'm figuring out my sexuality right now and don't know anything about anything and I'm so fucking scared of it. What if I don't get accepted for who I am? I don't have anyone to talk to since mom died and I'm just so confused with who I can tell things to and who I can't. I don't want to have to come out," he says.

"Stop crying," I say.

"I can't! Can't you for ones understand how big this is for me? I didn't want to tell you because you would obviously have no sympathy!" Clyde says.

"Look, Clyde, I don't understand shit about why you are so terrified of saying that! Your fucking sexuality is your business, not anyone else's. you can't change it, it's what it is. I don't understand why it's so terrifying for you to say that you're bi if you are. It's just it, you're bi then. Could you explain why I should feel sympathy and not tell you to just move on with it?" I ask.

"I'm scared of coming out. Really am," Clyde says.

"Who said you have to do it now? Wait until you're ready. Nobody can tell you when to come out. If you're not ready yet or too scared to, what the fuck makes you come out? You're supposed to do it when you're ready and clearly you aren't yet. So right now you can figure it out and when you are ready, you can say who you are and look what happens," I say.

He wipes his tears. Fucking finally.

"Thanks, Craig. That helps," Clyde says.

I nod, waiting for him to say something, like always.

"Who made you find out you were gay?" Clyde asks.

"It's stupid. I don't like him one bit, at least not anymore. Trust me. I mean, everyone liked the idea of me with Tweek but I realized my sexuality a little before that," I say.

"Yeah. Did you ever like Tweek, like that?" Clyde asks.

"Maybe a year or two. But not long enough. I mean, he is with Token now. Even if I did like him, he would be taken already," I say.

"You don't like him anymore?" Clyde asks.

"I don't. I haven't for a couple of years," I say.

"Who did you like first then?" Clyde asks.

"It's stupid. It was such a playground crush that I don't even want to talk about it," I say.

"Did you like Kenny?" Clyde asks.

"How the fuck-?" I ask.

"Everyone here has had a crush on him. At least everyone that isn't straight or is a girl," Clyde says.

"You too?" I ask.

"Yeah. A couple of years back at least. But Kyle and him got together, so, it's all good," Clyde says.

"I feel like I'm becoming the only single in here," I say.

"I broke up with Bebe not long ago. Well, she dumped me but it was not because we fought. Bebe is in love with a girl, so. And I like a boy so we decided it was better like this. So I'm single as well," Clyde says.

"That had too many so's to sound like sentences," I say.

He laughs.

"So? It just works like so. So. I feel like I should say something so. I'll just say it like it is, so," he says.

"Oh never mind, now you're just trying to annoy me," I say.

"What are you gonna do, grammar police?" He asks.

"Nothing. I don't have the fucking energy to do anything," I say.

I show him the middle finger, he laughs.

"Remember in fourth grade you used to use that as a defensive when we played superheroes?" He asks.

"I do. How could I forget? Everyone still calls me Super Gay," I say.

"Still? Oh my god, that's so old by now!" Clyde says.

"We are so old. It was 5 years ago," I say.

"Don't remind me," Clyde says.

"Soon we are 68 and dying," I say.

"I'm not listening to that! It's too depressing," he says.

He puts his hands over his ears. I take his hands and pull them off.

"Do you want to talk about something else then?" I ask.

He looks at me before sighing.

"I have something to tell you," he says.

"Okay," I say.

"I-I. Fuck. Look. Ever since maybe years ago, i have really really loved being with you, every single time. But it's something else than you being my best friend by now. My heart actually feels like it's flying when I am with you. I really really like you. Like, a lot," Clyde says.

I nod.

"Are you finished?" I ask.

He nods and i take the back of his head,  kissing him. He puts his hands around my neck almost immediately.

Huh. No fireworks I guess. Fuck movies for telling me about those.

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