It's chemistry~Style (South Park.)

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I'll just tell you, this is because I just made the saddest Style thing before this, so, this is happy and not angsty.
Warnings: Eh... cursing?
Ages: 15 (Oh look, romantic 15! Again!)
Kyle's POV.

"Dude," I say, putting the books down. My hands go into my pockets.

He looks at me, smiling straight at me.

"Dude," he says back, laughing slightly.

"I'm gay," I say.

He laughs.

"I honestly thought so," he says.

"Really?" I ask.

"I'm always with you. How could I not know?" He asks.

I nod, keeping my hands in my pockets.

"Were you scared that I didn't approve or something?" He asks.

I nod. He pretty much drops the books he was carrying (Gracefully puts them on the floor) and hugs me, tightly.

"Dude, I'm offended. You really think I'm not above hating someone for something they can't change?" He asks.

"No. But it's just fucking scary to tell you something like that," I say.

"Hey. You don't have to be afraid of what I think. I swear to God," he says.

He takes the books back into his arms.

"Lets just get these to the faculty room and talk about this later. Okay?" He asks.

I take the books i was carrying and nod, i open the door and we put the books there.

"What are you kids doing here?"

"Came to drop off these, from the middle school visit. You know, reading books with them?" Stan says.

I nod.

"Ma'am, we were just leaving," I say.

I go out the door, Stan behind me.

"Fuck. Lessons over soon," I say.

He laughs.

"So we can walk slow. We wouldn't be there in time anyway," he says.

I nod.

"But I really wanted to say. It's completely okay with me whatever you like. As long as that person can legally give consent to being in a relationship and such, you can like whomever you want. I don't give a flying fuck about it," Stan says.

"That's... a really nice reaction. Compared to some others I've been getting," I say.

"Wait! People know before me? I feel betrayed!" He says.

"Just people I chat with, nobody else," I say.

"Dude, it was a joke. I could be the last person you tell and I wouldn't give a fuck," he says.

I sigh.

"People keep thinking I like every man I look at, it's really fucking annoying. Like, no, I don't like the Russian guy that somehow always gets into the same game as me," I say.

"Yeah. Look, I'm not the one to say that. I mean, I would never assume you liked me or something," he says.


"I mean, we've been friends for such a long time and plus... Kyle Broflovski, liking me of all people? Honestly, at that point, it would be closer to a fucking fantasy story than anything," he says.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"You're like... dude. There are so many really cute guys here that would die if you liked them. I've got nothing against someone like that, with anybody. I mean, everyone I've been with has gone for one of them, obviously everyone in this fucking school likes one of them," he says.

"Stan... no. Any girl would be incredibly happy to be with a guy like you. What gives you the idea that they wouldn't?" I ask.

Girls and me.... but that would be a very bad thing to say. Sure. He is not homophobic. But it'd still be incredibly awkward for him and for me.

"Look. I'm not attractive, I don't play these sports that everyone seems to want a guy to play, I'm not 'cool'. Hell, I don't even know what the fuck cool means in this context! I'm short, so short everyone makes fun of it and it's not exactly always like you do it, it's not always playful," he says.

"Oh you're not attractive? Look, I'm going to go a very scientific way of saying it but you literally have the facial features women and men that swing that way actually like, meaning that you're the opposite of unattractive," I say.

"I just... why can't this all just be fucking done with? I wanna be done with school, done with fucking everyone just deciding that I'm not good enough! I'm not smart, I'm not good looking, unlike you! I just- I'm just boring old Stan. The one puberty decided to dump all the shit on, including this bullshit about me growing until I'm fucking 23, oh yey, I'm going to be 6 feet 2. I don't give a fuck," he says.

"You're not boring, the opposite really. You're absolutely fascinating. Sure, you're short but that is just some stupid social construct, 'man should be taller than the woman' is fucking bullshit. You're being yourself and that's the best you can be," I say.

"I can't get a guy, nor a fucking girl and it fucking sucks when the guy that I like is so much better than me in everything and I just fucking hate it," he says.

"You swing that way?" I ask.

"Yes! I fucking do! And it's annoying me. I would imagine someone that is straight or gay has it hard but what about the bi guy that everyone erases and who has to come out as gay or straight, depending on the person they like!" Stan says.

"So, you like a guy. I could get him to talk to you," I say.

"No need, we're talking right now," he says.

"R-Really?" I ask.

"Oh shit. I said that out loud?" He asks.

I stop, stopping him as well.

"I like you as well," I say.

He looks incredibly surprised.

"Why? Why do you like me?" He asks.

"Well technically it's chemicals in our brain that-," I say.

"I know chemistry," he says.

"Oooh. I mean. I just do. Just like you like me, I like you," I say.

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