200 chapters! Holy Jesus! Let's celebrate with Stylenny from SP!

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200 chapters! 200! I'm not fucking finished! Just.... does anyone know if there is a maximum chapter count?
Warnings: Cursing mainly..
Ages: 18.
Note: Kenny's a superhero in this AU.
Kenny's POV.

I come through the window, hearing Kyle's yelp of fear.

"Holy shit! Warn us!"

I laugh, feeling the pain at the slightest movement. Kyle sees it.

"STAN! First aid kit!"

"Oh Kenny's home."

Kyle sits me down and starts looking at the wound a little, Stan comes over and Kyle sighs slightly, cleaning it a little.

"What happened?"

"Nothing-Ouch-nothing important."

Kyle rolls his eyes but continues to clean the wound, looking at it a little.

"I can probably get that rock out."

"Is there a rock in it?!"

"You flew on it, didn't you?"

I nod.

"Then you shouldn't be surprised! Stan, hold him still."

Stan nods and holds on. They both remember the last time, I hit Kyle in the gut by accident.

"The mother hen has awoken."

I chuckle a little but it dies out as a flinch a little, the rock out of the wound.

"Could be worse, could be far better. I'll wrap it and it should be getting to fine condition in my time."

I thank him as he wraps it around.

"Okay then. What happened?"

"There were two of him, one of me."

"Two? What did the other look like?"

"No, I mean it. Two of him."

"Did he have a lookalike?"

"No, Stan, there were two of him. They were nothing less than identical, had the same voice, the same speaking pattern. Hell, same tattoos, in the same arm, in the same place. They were not lookalikes, they were each other."

"That's..... impossible."

"It's not! I saw it with my own two eyes! He was just like the other one."

"No mirror tricks?"

"No! The other one hit me when I was facing off the other.

"But....... how did you survive?"

"I got the police to arrest them, hit them both into a condition where they were complete shit and then ran away when the police came so I wouldn't go into the station for using violence against other civilians!"

Kyle nods and I just look out the window before looking at him again.

"Did I get any calls?"

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