Approval~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Honestly, polyamory is my comfortable area. I feel better writing this than a pair but I'll find other poly ships to write about.
Warnings: Cursing and slightly sexual jokes.
Ages: 21 both Kyle and Kenny while Stan's 20.
Fun fact: A lot of this is inspired by how much I wanted my father to approve of me.
Stan's POV.

"Good morning!" I say, zooming the camera in on Kyle.

Kyle, very slowly, opens his eyes.

"No, Kenny, save me," he says.

He tries to hide by rolling over Kenny to stay out of the way of the way of the camera.

"Happy birthday-," I start singing.

"Shut the fuck up, I want to sleep," Kyle says.

Kenny opens his eyes as well. He gets up with a groan.

"What day is it?" He asks.

"Kyle's birthday," Stan says.

"Oh," Kenny says.

Kyle groans.

"I'm tired, overworked and stressed. Fucking leave me alone. Wake me up when today is over," Kyle says.

"Your mom called me," I say.

"And I give a shit why?" He asks.

"Is momma's boy being rebellious?" Kenny asks.

"No, I'm just fucking tired. It's my birthday, let me sleep in for ones in my life," Kyle says.

"Your mom is going over," I say.

Kyle jumps up, gets the closest clean clothes and runs into the bathroom.

"Works every single time," I say.

Kenny and I high five.

"Well his mom is coming over, like, actually coming over," I say.

"Oh shit," Kenny says.

Kyle comes back in, brushing his teeth, grabs a pair of socks and leaves back in. Both Kenny and I start laughing at the same time.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kyle yells.

"No," I say.

"You're going to help me clean, my mom is not coming to this shit," Kyle says, getting back in.

"Kyle... we're just fine," I say.

"No, we are not. I'm going to put the kitchen in order, I expect everything in their boxes when I come back," Kyle says.

Kenny and I look at each other.

"Is she coming to the bedroom?" Kenny asks.

"Wouldn't be surprised if she checked the whole street, you know how crazy mom gets," Kyle says.

I look around and smile at Kenny. I throw some stuff into the box.

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