Tooth fairy~K2 (South Park.)

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I know what you are most likely thinkin', 'Eko, what? Tooth fairy. Why is that the name?' But there is a really good book called Tooth Fairy about a single father and his son and I desired to put these two together, obviously not at all like the book but I got inspired by the book.
Warnings: Mainly cursing.
Ages: 30 both.
Kyle's POV.

"Mío! Mío!" I yell.

"Yeah dad?" He asks.

"Why didn't you get up?" I ask.

"I didn't know I had to," Mío says.

"We went over this like twenty times. When your alarm goes off, you wake up!" I say.

"Sorry dad," he says.

I sigh.

"Don't worry about it. Get in the car, I'm driving you to school," I say.

"Yes dad," he says.

I pet his head.

"There you go," I say.

We get into the car. I put the car radio up and start driving.

"Dad. Why can't you drive me everyday?" Mío asks.

"Mío, I have work," I say.

He sighs.

"Why do you have to go to work then?" He asks.

"Because it's... look. Let's just say everything around you is around you because people in this universe work," I say.

"I guess," Mío says.

We sit in silence.

"Why isn't mom with us anymore?" He asks.

Oh Jesus Christ, not yet.

"Um... sometimes, people just can't be around?" I say.

It's not fair to say that his mom left me with him in my arms when he was a week old, saying she couldn't deal with a child and especially not with a kid with me. Hey, we got through it.

"Dad-," Mío starts.

"Yes Mío?" I ask.

"Why don't I have a mom?" Mío asks.

"Um... because... because we haven't had the time yet," I lie, staring straight ahead.

"It's not true. Why don't I have a mom?" Mío asks.

I slowly take a deep breath.

"When you get older, you'll understand. But for now, there hasn't been the right mom for you. But there is a possibility that you'll have a second dad someday," I say.

"Dad? But don't people have one dad?" Mío asks.

"Sometimes, people have a different kind of family. Like you and me. Most of the time, it'll be a mom and a son or a mom and a daughter. We're different. And there are a lot of different families. But they all matter all the same," I say.

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