Lovey-dovey shit~Stenny (South Park.)

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Title change is needed.
Warnings: Cursing and I'm so sorry for this being kinda weird in the end.
Ages: 15.
Kenny's POV.

"Look, birds!"

I roll my eyes but look anyway as he just smiles, looking up as well.

"Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to fly like those? Or bugs? Must feel amazing, wind under your wings and you just go. Best we have as a future widely used thing is a jet pack.... and even that is extremely wasteful. The best way to go about it would be to get something we power with other sources but we can already fly because of airplanes so that seems really stupid to many. But I for one think that being able to fly, having wind hold on as you're up high, would be utterly fascinating."

I nod.

"It's just.... amongst many other future developments, it would be great. Having, not angel wings but something to attach, would be nearly as great as having better robots! Did you know the unbeatable chess computer was beat lately? By an another computer but still really fascinating. Something thought unbeatable was beaten by something that taught itself. Did I mention that? The computer was given a mechanism it could learn with and played against itself. Isn't that utterly fascinating in itself? That a computer kind of, by playing itself, put itself on the spot of the GREATEST chess player ever. By that, we could teach one to maybe do other things as well, such as play any symphony with the name of it. It would read the notes and the rhythm and go without a human ever playing it. And then, by feeding it symphonies, at one point it probably could compose one without a human by adding them in order. Then play it. Hell, at that point, humans wouldn't be even needed for creativity. They can already write stories that might not make sense but they definitely are something. For example, the Harry Potter fanfiction. Let me repeat: a computer wrote fanfiction and I'm pretty sure it was BETTER than some of the shit I've seen. By all logic, we could achieve everything we want without robots ever becoming self aware. Oh God, I'm rambling again."

How to tell a person that they do ramble but it might be the most adorable fucking rambling I have ever heard in my life and I just want to kiss them because it's so great they are interested in shit? About the only question I get every-fucking-time this nerd opens his mouth because while Stan isn't Kyle kind of rambler, he still rambles a lot and it's fucking adorable when he does and I can't little deal with how cute it is.

"I can't tell if you're adorable, hot, handsome or all and it's bothering me right now because I'm feeling like a proud parent since I know schooling and speaking is hard for you but I also want to kiss you because there goes my boyfriend being smart and I'm so fucking confused right now, help."

Stan laughs. I'm so glad he's happier, oh so glad.... he's always been so kind and amazing and if he didn't get better I would have probably taken his life to court for abuse of a great and adorable bean that I love with all my heart and all that is in my body also loves him but not quite enough to match my heart. He's too precious and just..... ARG, I can't describe this little shit and it's extremely annoying. He's the cutest midget I have ever known and I sort of live for it. He has given up on 'I'm not that short', which is funny because we just tease him, he isn't that short. I mean he's short, that I admit.... but he isn't like Filipino kind of short. He's my soft boy and if you try to hurt him, honey you have a big storm coming.

"It's so cute that you call me adorable when you're my little cinnamon roll."

I can't tell if I hate or love the fact we decided to use internet slang in real life..... mainly because I'm not a cinnamon roll, I'm pretty sure I'm on.... I wish I was but that's description fitting of Stan more than me.

"Hey, Stan.... do you trust me?"

He nods and I just smile a little brighter.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm not trustworthy to many people."

He laughs and grabs my hands, pulling me to him. He's a short muscular boy and I can't tell if I love or adore that fact.

"Well I trust you. I would trust you with my life."

I roll my eyes. Well if I say that, I'm an asshole. If I don't, I'm an asshole.

"Stan.... just. If you trust me, do you trust me in a situation where you think you should do something else but I tell you you should act against it?"

"Yeah, most definitely! I trust you to make the right call, you know? You're probably slightly smarter so it would be stupid not to trust you."

"Hm.... don't know. I think you're really smart too."

"I love you."

I smile and hug him closer.

"I love you too."

"You're both fucking gay," Kyle says, walking to us.

"So are you, Ky!"

I roll my eyes and look over to the tall motherfucker that is Kyle Broflovski.

"Can't I say goodbye to my boyfriend?" I whisper to him.

Kyle nods and I smile at Stan.

"Don't you think I'll ever leave you completely."

Stan laughs.

"Never thought so."

I take a moment to think my words through.

"But I do have to leave....."

Stan nods, biting his lip a little.

"Where are you going?"

I look to Kyle.

"I just....... I'm needed somewhere else."

Like doing what I'm doing.

"I'll call you but... I'm not gonna be here for about two years."

He nods.

"Can you tell what what you are doing?"

"No. Not because I don't trust you but because I don't know myself yet. Now—."

He gives me a kiss.

"Good luck!"

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