Russia~ Stylenny (South Park.)

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Hey. Here we go, just getting out of Russia soon. I'll publish this when I'm in the home country. But I tend to write about the places I've been. Lets go.
Warnings: I'm Finnish... This is in Russia. Take as you will. Cursing and sexual context as well.
Ages: 22 all.

Kyle's POV.

"Why do we always go the hardest route?" I ask as I step out of the train platform to the busy... very busy streets.

"Take it positively. We could go see my cousins," Kenny says.

I smile at him, Stan coming behind us to look around.

"Thanks for coming with me, I really wanted to go but as you both know, I cannot speak Russian," Stan says.

"Hey. It's fun anyway. Plus, I love you. Of course I came," Kenny says.

"Am I here for no reason then? I do not speak Russian," I say, with a small laugh.

"Nope, you're our calculator," Stan says.

"Hey! I'm sacrificing the most here, Russia is a meat country. I'm risking my vegan ways for this," I say.

Kenny laughs and I turn around the corner.

"Oh fuck," I say, turning away.

"What is it?" Stan asks.

"It's marked wrong. It's supposed to be that one but surely it's not, considering it's not really like the picture is, at all," I say.

"Um... well. What was the street name?" Stan asks.

"Do you think I can fucking say this?" I ask.

I point the street name to Stan.

"Watch out!" Kenny yells.

I jump next to him, seeing a car drive where I just was.

"What the fuck? This is the sidewalk," I say.

"Don't question it," Stan says.

"That was too close for comfort," I say.

Stan nods.

"Yeah. Maybe a little," Stan says.

I nod and turn the same corner, walking a little bit on the street before a familiar building stands before me.

"Found it!" I yell to Stan and Kenny.

The two walk up to me and Stan opens the door, smiling at both of us.

"Gentlemen," he says.

"Fuck off," I say.

I get in and start looking for the information desk... which is, like everything about this fucking place, nowhere to be fucking seen.

"Okay. What the fuck is up with this place and everything being just nowhere near where it actually should be?" Kenny asks.

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