Fifth base~Stulenny (South Park.)

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Eh, I said minimum 4 updates a week! I'm going to shit but at least I have updates for this whole time, so, I guess I'm on the road to honesty. By the way, I have written this TWICE because first time, it didn't fucking save it. (Also, I love Game grumps, quoting them is the best thing in my life.)
Warnings: Sort is sexual content, cursing and some kind of illegality if you think about it that way.
Ages: 23 all.
Leo's POV.

"There should be a fifth base," Kenny says.

"What? Why?" I say Kyle asks.

"So first base would be 'friends', second base would be 'sex' then third base would be 'dating', fourth base is 'Exchanging keys' or living together and fifth is marriage," Kenny says.

Kyle falls off the sofa after realising that Kenny said sex before dating.

"Isn't it dating then sex?" Stan asks.

"Dude," Kyle laughs.

He calms down and kisses Stan.

"How boring are you? Sex first happened with us," Kyle says.

He points to Kenny and himself.

"Stan's just old fashioned," I say.

Stan sighs.

"And then sixth base, divorce or death," he says.

All of us go silent, except Kenny, who starts laughing his ass off before a realisation strikes him.

"H-How many universes can exist?" Kenny asks.

"By all logic, billions," Kyle says.

Kenny looks happier again.

"Thanks, honey," he says.

"Fucking Craig 2.0," Stan says.

"I'd take that, Craig's nice," I say.

Kyle nods. I give him a kiss.

"Wait... Kenny. You talk about the fact you're multi universe a lot," I say.

"And?" Kenny asks.

"Do you always know you're multi universe or do you forget it in some universes?" I ask.

"Well, um... sometimes I do forget. But not for the whole time. I'll remember other universes at some point but normally it takes ages and when I remember, I start trying to act like that universe would make me anyway. So am I in control of the universe or is the universe in control of me?" Kenny asks.

He kisses me.

"Nice to have you asking," he says.

"That's... too deep to hear from you, Ken," Kyle says.

Kenny laughs.

"You ever think of marriage? Like, from point to another?" I ask.

"Isn't it illegal? Has there been a huge change in the way polyamory is treated while I was asleep?" Stan asks.

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