1st and *insert a huge number*~Style (South Park.)

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10 chapters in 24 hours! 10 000 words in under 24 hours! Hell yes! And I spell check these stories! Who gave me an energy drink?!
Warnings: Smut (yes, I do fluff and angst as well.) and swearing because I am like a sailor with my fucking language.
Ages: 16 both.
Kyle's POV.

"What do you want from a girl, like, romantic way?" Stan asks.

"A cock, if you're talking about fucking," I say, continuing on with doing my homework like I didn't just come out.

"You're gay?" He asks.

"Panromantic homosexual as I like to call it," I say, putting the last number on and closing the book.

"So. Do you have your half of the project ready?" I ask.

"Yeah but can we discuss the fact you never told your best friend that you are gay or Pan or whatever you like to be called," he says.

"Didn't come up. I don't quite hide it. I'm pretty familiar with the guys that like men," I say.

"Wait. That sounds like you're fucked-," he says.

"Condom or tested, I promise. I'm not a complete idiot," I say.

"How many?" He asks.

"Do we count multiple times into this?" I ask.

"No, just people," he says.

"Wait a sec. 11 maybe? But no, I have not fucked with all of them," I say.

"How?" He asks.

"Started with Kenny and then it started going on more. Like I said, tested or condom," I say.

"How do you talk so openly?" He asks.

"Because I can. Why did you ask me anyway, about my type of girl?" I ask.

"No real reason, I just thought I'd set you up," he says.

"Dude," I say, looking at him from the bed.

"What's you type then? I might be able to set you up. Nichole would be cool," I say.

"Blokes. Or girls," he says.

"How have I not known this? Dude, pride is coming up! Wanna come with me?" I ask.

"Sure," he says.

I smile at him.

"So. You got a type?" I ask.

"I don't know. I like smart people, it's fun to be the dumber one sometimes," he says.

"I mean. Anything else?" I ask.

"Nothing really. There are a lot of pluses but not really anything I think is important," Stan says.

"What are those pluses?" I ask.

"I like green eyes," he starts.

"Well, that shortens the list," I say.

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