Christmas with the girlfriend~Stendy (South Park.)

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Another clear up, people say I sexualise women (not here, IRL mainly, for drawing tits to make a girl look like a girl ((Because my drawings are stick figure level bad and I have to draw tits or dicks to show gender)) and for staring a bit when in the dressing room. Anyway.)............... doesn't everyone? I also sexualise any gender really, I'm a teenager, the age known for people being constantly horny. Of fucking course I will sexualise people!
Warnings: Smut (the irony was too much, I'm so sorry. You can tell the point this went from Fluff to Smut) and cursing.
Ages: 17.
Note one: I don't know how straight sex works, I only really know lesbian because... well... for reasons. So yeah... I'm actually the worst teen ever but I am probably too ugly for anyone to ever handle so I'll just stick to knowing what I actually know and porn. Thank you very much!
(Also, over 3000 words of story. You happy? I make this shit for Stendy but 2000 is hard for the others. Why? Because I don't explore Wendy a lot and that's why I like writing this.)
Stan's POV.

'Give me a more awkward moment then what's gonna happen to me.'

Kyle answers pretty soon.

'Colour me interested. What's happening?'

I sigh.

'We're spending this Christmas with Wendy and her family and I'm fairly sure my dad is going to burst out and with gift giving, give her a condom or something. Doesn't help when her grandparents are 'No sex before marriage'. SAVE ME!'

'Oh shit... I'm sorry for you Stan. But hey. You're at least sure you're not becoming a father!'

'Kyle, not helping!'

'Can't exactly help you. I'm literally 6 hours by plane! If I could help I would!'

'Oh shit.'

'Good luck, Stanny boy.'

I bury my head in my hands as my dad sits down. Oh my fucking God!

"Oh," Wendy lets out as she gets the card.

Dad no, dad please don't tell me you'd do this to me!

"Thank you, Randy," she says.

Stan breathe, this is not going to be that bad. We'll laugh it off!

"Open it," dad says.

Mom looks close to tears from the embarrassment as Wendy opens the card.

"Oh thanks for the condom," Wendy says.


"You're probably gonna need it anyway."


"Yeah, knowing him," Wendy says.

She smiles at me. Oh so she's trying to embarrass me? Damn right I'm gonna at least get back.

"Probably yeah, Unless you stop being fucking adorable," I say.

We have this silent staring competition. Wendy's face just screams 'let's go, fight me.'

"Well we are clearly here at the wrong time," mom says.

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