Also~Stenny (South Park.)

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I'm back... depressed... but back. I promise. I'm back for a while. (Just information about this one shot, they are roommates in a far away school and yeah, everything else you should know from here on by reading! I hope! I'm not on my best game but still, lets go.)
Warnings: Sexual content and cursing.
Ages: 17 both.
Stan's POV.

I close the door behind me, breathing heavy for a couple of seconds before getting my breathing to be even. The door gets locked behind me within seconds, meaning I made it... just in time.

"Hi," Kenny says.

"Hey," I say.

I smile at him before feeling the same pain at my feet as people normally do when running in shoes too small.

"My feet hurt," I say, taking my shoes off, finally.

"How come? Are those too small for you or something?" Kenny asks.

"Sort of. But mostly it's because I had to run in these. Because of the curfew. I'm never ever going to do that again. Nope, no leaving things to the last minute," I say.

"Why were you out then? What did you forget to do?" Kenny asks.

"I got my phone," I say.

"What? Did you wanna call Kyle or something?" Kenny asks.

"Maybe. I haven't talked to him in SUCH a long time," I say.

"Look, he's probably sleeping. You know, with his boyfriend. Also, you forgot about me for a month but forgetting Kyle for four days is apparently a crime against humanity," Kenny says.

"I still don't know why they are together, Kyle doesn't like dudes that basically hate Jews. Also. I forgot you for a month, yes. But i said that I'm sorry," I say.

"Kyle is just a messed up little shit. Plus, maybe his boyfriend has grown up from being a fucking Nazi," Kenny says.

"You're talking about my ex and best friend since like forever. Don't call him a shit unless you are looking to get hurt," I say.

"You don't know him then. He's fucked up, very much so. Also. Maybe I'm looking for trouble. Would you give me trouble?" Kenny says.

"You fucking horny idiot," I say.

"Oh I'm an idiot now? You're not smarter than me. Fuck you," Kenny says.

"I'm not smarter than you? Really now?" I ask.

Kenny gets up and pushes me, with no force because he clearly doesn't want to hurt me. I laugh and push him as well.

"No need to get violent~," Kenny says, smirking.

I stare at him, very disappointed looking.

"You would like it violent, wouldn't you?" I ask.

"Maaaybe," he says, looking at anything but me.

There is a moment of laughter before silence.

"Didn't you ask Kyle something last summer? What has it? He has been asking about you ever since. Was it something bad?" I ask.

"Nothing important. I, honestly, don't feel like it matters at this point," Kenny says.

He sits on the bed with a smile, keeping his head down slightly. It's like I reminded him of something I shouldn't have. It couldn't have been that bad. Was it?

"Um... is everything.... okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Just... thinking. I was thinking when you came in and I wanna finish my thought," Kenny says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Um... nothing big... just thinking about possibilities and such, nothing really it's just thinking but still," Kenny says.

"I guess. You can trust me you know," I say.

"Yeah, I know. It's just something I'm still conflicted on," Kenny says.

"Okay. Fine," I say.

"Look. I'm just sort of weird about things that I don't know myself. So. I'd rather learn all about it before telling you anything. I wanted to tell Kyle so we could figure something out but he doesn't think it's possible. So, I'm trying to prove it," Kenny says.

"Um... I guess that's something. I'm not an idiot either, you know? I could try to figure something out with you but of course I don't mean that you have to tell me. It's cool that you don't think you can trust me but I would like it more if you trusted me. Okay? Is that okay with you?" I ask.

"It's... more about the fact I don't want to tell you right now. Maybe later? Is that okay with you? I wanna tell you something else," Kenny says.

"That fine with me! Um. What is it?" I ask.

"I... i think you're really cool. Not that you need to um... you don't need to think I'm cool, lets face it, I'm kind of a less cool person.. but like. I like you. A lot. And I feel like I'm in 5th grade again but now confessing instead of getting confessed to," Kenny says.

I sit next to him.

"Well. I like you too. And I happen to think you're awesome. Annoying but awesome. Like, your own kind of awesome! You're a fucking pervert but still you are awesome. It's fun to talk to you, because some rare times you say some intelligent shit and it sort of reminds me that you are kind of different," Stan says.

"You said that I'm different? What way?" I ask.

"I have a type, sort of. Wendy and Kyle are so alike that you could call it my type, whatever they are. But you are not like them, I just like you outside of that," I say.

"Oh. I don't really have a type. Anyone with two feet I can like, to be honest with you," Kenny says.

He turns his head to me with a smile, taking a hold of the back of my head. I roll my eyes and just kiss him, feeling like a million butterflies just left my heart. Maybe for the first time.

"Shit," I say.

I run into the bathroom, hearing Kenny laugh in the other room.

"Need help?" He asks.

"No!" I yell.

I puke into the toilet.

"I'm honored," he says.

I laugh before puking again.

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