Wanna?~Bunny (South Park.)

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And smut is back! I swear, I've never updated 7 times in a 24 hours before! Five was my last record! Like, holy fuck! (I slept 2 and a half hours. I didn't mean to do it, but it fucking happened. I don't know. I may or may not be falling in quality! Just a warning.)
Warnings: Smut, a bit of kinky shit and fucking language!
Ages: 17 both.
Extra: leave a guess on who i put as dominant here.
Kenny's POV.

"And then the main character goes to a party and he is really popular at this point but a girl basically fucks everything up for him! Sorry, I just really liked the musical!" I say.

"Yeah," he says.

He's staring at me. I smile at him and he looks away, blushing slightly.

"I mean, I didn't know that I would like it so much but I just really really love it. I swear, Kyle knew that I'd like it and he was right!" I say.

"Yeah," he says.

"Sorry, I'm talking a lot. I just really liked it," I say.

"Cool," he says.

I look at him again.

"Anyway. How was your day yesterday?" I ask.

He laughs.

"I came out. That might be the biggest thing I did. But yeah, mom did not take it well but I don't mind, she just drove me out the house. Dad does that already like every other week. It's just something that happened among other things by now," he says.

"Came out?" I ask.

"I'm bi, now openly," he says.

"Is nobody pan anymore?" I ask.

"I treat being bi kinda alike to being Poly. To be, my sexuality means the physical characteristics. Basically I don't care if it's a dick or a vagina, I'm down. I'm down for both as well," he says.

"Oh so you talk about boobs or balls. You don't mean it in a way where the identity has to be male or female?" I ask.

"To be honest, someone can identify as a book and I could still love them. So in that way, I guess the correct term is Pan. But I don't mind calling myself bi, it's easier to explain and what I want to use," he says.

"That's cool," I say.

He smiles at me.

"But then there is the problem of being in a relationship with a boy or girl. Either people call me gay or straight, there is nothing else in their minds," he says.

"Yeah, it sucks. I'm not someone that is described by any other sexuality than Pan, personally. One day a dude next a female. Honestly 'But he was gay yesterday' is one of the most said things toward me. Among the side of 'But he was straight yesterday.' I imagine pansexual as a wild ride with no lines to it, any gender is possible," I say.

"I mean. Lines suck. And walls suck even more. What is so bad about loving someone? So what if I love someone that's a guy? Even if he liked me back, the world would tell us to fuck off," he says.

"They guy is not worth it, if he keeps his feelings so hidden. There are a lot of fish in the sea. I mean. I'm single," I say.

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