Night sucker part 4~Stylenny (South Park.)

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I have a confession. I found out I have a kink I didn't know about while writing this short story as a whole... fuck...
Age: Same as before. Or something. I mean that the information is in part one of this thing. Sorry, I just wanted to seem like a fucking douche for ones.
Kenneth's POV.

"Look. This is becoming really hard to do," Stan says, coming inside the place.

"I didn't force you to do this," Kyle says.

"Might as well have. BUT. Your mum should be convinced that you're a lost cause, dead in other words. Your memory ceremony is gonna be soon," Stan says.

"Look. You don't have to do anything here, you could just live your life," Kyle says.

"Fucks sake! Kyle, no, I could not. I have fucking sympathy," Stan says.

I smile at him, sitting down on the bed.

"I wanted to apologize for... well... what happened yesterday," I say.

Stan blushes.

"Oh... that. Don't worry about it? You saved me, so, I don't mind the way," he says.

"What does that mean?" Kyle asks.

"Well... it was a very awkward situation, including the fact there was this other vampire... you know. Um... yeah," Stan says.

"I had to tell them that he is my property, which he is not," I say.

Stan nods, blushing brighter.

"Aw. Is that a blush I see?" I ask.

"Nope," he says.

"Aw. I don't mind," I say.

I smile at him. Kyle rolls his eyes, staring at the both Stan and I at the same time.

"As adorable as this is, we should think about our plan. If someone sees me at night, I've got no chance of not getting out of here. And if they find out what happened, nothing is going to be good, lets just say that," Kyle says.

"Um... Lapland exists? Nobody within a LONG LONG distance," Stan says.

"That's a sure death unless there are some really big and stupid animals in the snow," I say.

"If you were to just turn me, this would be tons easier," Stan says.

"And I've told you, I'm sure you wouldn't want it," Kyle says.

"It could make safety a little bit more of a thing, especially from the two of you or other vampires," Stan says.

"But then there is nobody we have that can go out in daylight," I say.

"Well that could be fixed. We could get someone willing to help out," Stan says.

"Willing? Who would be willing to do something like what you do?" I ask.

"Willing or not so willing. Look, I just happen to think having me as a vampire might be helpful for you, more than human, that's for sure," Stan says.

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