Aren't you?~Kyman (South Park.)

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I thought it was my seventh (the last one) but it's my eight in 24 hours. Meaning this is ninth. Just to put that into context, company channels on youtube normally upload 5-8 times a day. I am, in no way, a fucking company.
Warnings: Smut (Dude, look, I like getting it all out for everyone and then going to do the living hell out of fluff and angst.) Also fucking swearing because I'm like a sailor in language. Also, if you do not like kinky shit, please turn away now. Because I am unable to make Kyle not kinky.
Ages: Fuck it, lets go all in, 16 both.
Kyle's POV.

From the silence in the room when I walk in, they were talking about me. Oh great.

"Hi," I say, waving at them.

Stan, Leo and Kenny immediately wave back. Everyone else mainly looks shocked.

"Who found the drugs?" I ask, laughing slightly at my own, admittedly terrible, joke.

"No but really. Who found what?" I ask.

"Someone thought you like Cartman. Stupid, right?" Kenny asks, winking at me.

"Look. I'm a masochist and gay, that does not mean that I immediately love someone I've hated all my fucking life," I say.

"I mean... it's still possible. You didn't exactly deny or confirm," Bebe says.

"If I did, what the fuck would there be about it? What I do behind closed doors is my business and the other persons, nobody else's unless I record it and share it or come to school bragging about it. Are all of you fucking 12 or something? End of the conversation," I say.

I sit in my seat at the left corner of the room, staring straight ahead. Kenny sits next to me.

"So. Any plans on how you'd get with him?" Kenny asks.

"Dude. Thank for that save," I say.

"No worry, Ky. Leo, Stan and I are always in your team as long as you are happy. Speaking of which. Are you happy?" Kenny asks.

"I think so. I don't really know shit about happiness," i say.

"Okay," he says.

Stan sits behind with Leo.

"Dude, that went really well," Stan says.

"Yeah. I mean. I do not know who would say something like that, hurts my pride," I say, making sure the classroom hears me.

He nods.

"I mean. Imagine it, the Jew and the Nazi," he says.

"That sounds like the Christian book. The Lion, The wardrobe and the Witch or what the fuck it's called," I say.

"Yeah. Defeated with the power of Christianity!" Stan says.

"You're an atheist," I say.

"I see the metric as my religion," he says.

"Of course you would," I mutter.

"Hey! I announced it when I was 10! Six years later, still my religion," he says.

"But we have miles, you idiot," I say.

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