Make history 1/5~Mess of ships. (South park)

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FUCK ALL OF YOU, i loved Ice skating before YOI made it cool to love it, and I'm pretty sure Hello_Im_Crazy279 Can confirm i had this in plans for a long long while. (Ships are Stylenny, Bendy and Tyde.)
Warnings: Stan's British, i make fun of him. Cursing and sexual content as well as some pretty weird themes with mental illness.
Ages: 20 all.
Half of the chapter is in flashbacks by the way.
Kyle's POV.

"Mom! Hey mom! I'm doing it!" I yelled, going around the rink with barely holding onto the sides at all.

"Well done," she said.

I, encouraged by my mother, started going the slightest bit faster and fell flat on my face.

"Don't try anything too hard," she said.

She brought me up from the ice.

I can't help smiling. Now she wouldn't say anything of the sort of 'don't try anything too hard.'

"What are you thinking about! It's about your turn!" Cartman says.

I nod.

"Okay okay. I'm gonna go, coach," I say.

"Don't fail," he says.

With the sternness of his voice, I can tell he really means it.

"I won't, coach," I say.

I finally get my second skate on. I remember when mom could do this for me. Ah, I miss those times.

"Mom! Mom! I can finally do it," I yelled.

I started to do just some simple jumps, my mothers proud face was always enough to make me try more and more every time.

"Are you really this stupid?" Cartman asks.

He, disgusted, throws me my gloves. I, annoyed, show him my middle finger.

"I don't have time to deal with this," he says.

He leaves out. I, very slowly, walk to the side of the rink. This is the last thing to do. Am I going to be skating for my country this year? Or am I going to fall on my face and fail it?

"Hey," Token says, stood against the rink.

"Oh hi. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Came to see you," Token says.

I smile at him.

"Thanks... but. I don't think I can do this," I say.

He laughs.

"Of course you can! You've trained like since the age of 4!" Token says.

"Five," Kyle says.

"Good enough. Hey, you can do this, I promise. I mean, from what I see, the worst competition you have had two small fuck ups. You can do better," Token says.

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